Chapter 10:The last time doesn't have to be the last time

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This night was a complete disaster, Dracula concluded. Sure, Mavis had stayed at the hotel in the end, but at what price?

All the tentants were probably already packed to leave, but Dracula couldn't care less about that now. He wanted to discuss with his daughter and the truth came out...Mavis and Kumagawa zinged.

Kumagawa's departure had left a hole in Mavis's heart. And it has left a hole in his heart too.

As Dracula walked the hotel's halls in self loathing something fell from his pocket. Dracula quickly picked it up and saw that what had fallen was a thick magazine, which he had no idea how it could fit in his pocket, titled "Shounen Jump" with a note.

The note said"[It'll help you get on with the times. Just because you're an fossile, doesn't mean you have to act like one.]". It wasn't hard to guess who the one that placed this treat was, considering that the note was written in brackets.

Dracula squeezed the present with a determined look. Now was no time for crying, he knew what he had to do.

The front desk was overflowed by an entire mob of monsters wanting to check out. A lone zombie was at the desk, getting understably oveewhelmed by tge chaos.

Wayne:What's this? Why is tge charge so high?

Wanda:Honey, the puppies broke a window.

Wayne:And that's out fault!?


Murray:Excuse me? Yeah, aside please! Excuse me, I have some express here!

Murray made his way through the crowd and placed two large boxes on the desk. At the same moment, Dracula dived in as a bat and retook his normal form in front of everyone.

Dracula:Friends, calm down!

Murray:It's too late now, rad bat!

Dracula:Please, I need you to help me find Misogi!

Wayne:The human!? He could've killed us!

Not really an wrong statement. From what he saw of Kumagawa, he had no doubt the smiling boy could've actually took them all on barehanded.

Murray:He touched my guitar!

Griffin:He put his hand on my back than bend over my shoulder to see if he can see his hand through my body or not!

Dracula:Please! I know I lied...I was wrong! But you have to believe me, Misogi wasn't the bad guy...Truth is, I don't even know if humans are bad anymore.

Monsters looked at each other, remembering how fun and relaxing time was since Kumagawa came here. Dracula touched one of the boxes on the desk, trying to speak with his old friend.

Dracula:Frank. Come on, buddy. You understand.

Dracula's gaze shifted to the other box as it began to vibrate and a voice was heard from it. By tge sound of the voice, it was Eunice.

Eunice:He's not talking to you. First you tell us humans are bad, now they're good. What else? Hot is cold? Goblins don't smell?

A loud "Hey!" was heard from the crowd at the last remark. However, the silence resumed as Frank's head came out of the box, his hand holding it.

Frank:I liked Misogi. Monster or not. His stories were funny.

Dracula:I think...They zinged.

Wayne/Wanda:They zinged!?

Dracula:But I got in the way!

Frank:You only zing once in your life!

Frank began crying, electricity coming out of his head. Eunice's head pooped out of the box to see her husband's state.

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