Good Impressions ~ 1

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I see other books similar this so I felt like writing my own :D
(I'm kinda late to the party with trolls but oh well this is just for fun)

I take a deep breath as I make my way to their door. Nerves rush through me as I try my best to stay calm.
Everything will be alright, there's nothing to worry about. It not like they are just gonna fire you if you don't meet their expectations right away. Right?

As I arrived at their door I could hear faint arguing from the other side.

Ugh Veneer could you be ANY more annoying?!

But it was mine!

No, it was not!

Yes it was!

Prove it then!

Well, this is going to be fun.

I raise my fist and knock on their white door. Velvet and Veneer was written in gold letters in the middle and the door handle was also gold with a key card scanner below it.

At the sound of my knocking the arguing ceased. I heard a male voice gasp, "Oh! They're here!"

The sound of heels clicking approached the door and Velvet opens it, peeking through the side. Upon seeing me she opens the door all the way and lets me in.

"I suppose you're our new assistant?"
"Yes ma'am! My name's y/n."
"Well y/n, it's nice to meet you!" Veneer says from on the couch across the room.
"Veneer, show them around."

Veneer stands up and I walk up to him. He leads me to a hall with white doors along it.
"This is my sister's room," he pointed to a door to his right, "the room across the hall from hers is her dressing room," he pointed to the door to his left.
"This next room on the right is my room and my dressing room is also across from my room."
"We both have bathrooms in our rooms but there's an extra bathroom here to the left"

"Okay, good to know. Thanks sir!"
"You can just call me Veneer, sir is too formal. Plus, it makes me feel old."
"Okay Veneer," I smile at him.

Velvet walks in and hands me a small card.
"This is so we don't need to let you in every time," she explains. I nod and slip the card in my pocket. Velvet continued, "Okay now no more chit chat, we have a busy day. Here's a tablet which will have our schedule on it. It updates every week or so. We have a meeting in an hour so have a car here by 3. We can't be late." I take a mental note of everything she said and I nod.

She hands me the tablet and I turn it on.
There's a meeting scheduled for 3:30 and an interview at 5:00. It looks like they also have a dinner reservation at 6:45.

"Go find a nice dress for me, then you can do my hair. After you finish my hair then you can get Veneer ready."

I hurry off to her dressing room and walk in. The room is slightly cluttered but still organized. To my right is a walk in closet with hundreds of shoes and dresses. On top of that, there were even more clothes folded on shelves in the closet.
I don't even know where to start looking to choose a dress so I just grab the first one that catches my eye. I pick out a nice purple dress and some purple high heels. I've decided we'll go with a purple theme today.

Just the assistant ~ Veneer x Reader Where stories live. Discover now