Dinner Reservations ~ 3

314 7 19

Woo another chapter


I brushed Velvet's hair down and she put a beanie on in attempts to disguise her identity and then I also brushed Veneer's hair down.
Then they both put jackets on to hide their recognizable revealing outfits and blend in better.

As much as Velvet loves the attention from her fans which comes with being famous, it's nice to be a normal rageon every once in a while and do things like getting food without being swarmed by a mob.

6:45 came near and we arrived at the restaurant.
"Why don't you join us, y/n" Velvet suggests.
"Oh really? I'd love to!" I reply.
If you'd told me a month ago I'd be going to dinner with the 2 most famous people on mount rageous I wouldn't have believed you.

We walked into the restaurant thankfully unrecognized. The hostess led us to our seats and we sat down.

The table was rectangular with 2 chairs on either side and a vase in the center with some purple flowers in it. I sat down in the chair closest to me, Veneer sat in the chair to my left and Velvet sat directly across from me.

A girl with pink skin and short red hair put up in a half ponytail set a glass of water in front of each of us and smiled.
"Hi, I'm Scarlett. I'll be your waiter for tonight. What can I get started for you?"

"We'll have some rolls and caprese salad to start and I'll have a filet mignon with a side salad" Velvet says, ordering the most expensive thing on the menu.
"Uhhh I'll have the chicken tenders and a side of Mac n cheese" Veneer orders.
"I'll have [favorite food]" I say.
She scribbles some words into a tiny notepad before saying, "Alright, coming right up!"


"So, y/n, why did you really want this job?" Velvet asks before talking a sip of her water.
"Well honestly, I just needed some money. I got fired from a shitty job the day before I saw your application for a new assistant. I didn't think I would have much of a chance but I decided it wouldn't hurt to apply."
"Interesting" Veneer said and I smiled awkwardly.
"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your assistant before me? I'm sure you had one."
"Crimp? She was suuuuuch a pain I just can noooot deal with her. And don't even get me started on how annoying that thing was."
"Yeah she was annoying," Veneer agrees.
"Oh. I hope I don't annoy you guys"
"Don't worry you haven't been annoying yet." Veneer assures me.
"Yeah I kinda like you," Velvet looks at me with a smile.

Scarlett walked up to us with a large round tray full of food. She set the appetizers in the middle of the table and put the steak and salad in front of Velvet. Then she gave Veneer the Chicken tenders and Mac n cheese then put my food in front of me.
"Would anyone like a drink?"

Veneer ordered apple juice, Velvet ordered lemonade and I ordered [favorite drink].
Scarlett wrote our drinks down in her notepad and hurried off to the kitchen.
In only a few minutes she was already back with our drinks.
"If you need anything else, just let me know." We thank her and she smiles before walking away back to the kitchen.

She checks with us a couple more times to make sure we are satisfied and we end up getting dessert.

We all get ice cream with hot fudge on top of warm brownies.
(a/n: Unless you don't like this then get something else)

An hour and a half has passed by once we finish our dessert and we decide it's time to go back home so we ask Scarlett for the bill. Velvet leaves $350 on the table and writes a note saying 'keep the change Scarlett' with a smiley face below the words.

I call our driver to come get us and she's here within minutes.

The three of us get in the car and we're exhausted after the long day.

Not long into the drive both Velvet and Veneer are passed out from exhaustion. Velvet is contorted into some weird position against the car window and snoring quite loud.
Veneer is sitting up with his head tipped back against the car rest.

I feel exhaustion grabbing at me and weighing down my eyelids. I lean my head against the car window and my eyes slowly fall shut.
I'm about to fall asleep when I feel something on my shoulder. I open my eyes and see the top of Veneer's head. Veneer was leaned against my arm with his head on my shoulder. He must've fallen over to the side in his sleep.

I consider waking him up but decide just to let him sleep. I rest my head back on the car window and watch the streetlights fly by while my eyes slowly drift shut.


900 words
Sorry this chapter is kinda short, but the next chapter will be longer! :D

I also drew Velvet and Veneer disguised as 'normal rageons'

And her face is a lil lopsided by accident but this is the waitress too

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And her face is a lil lopsided by accident but this is the waitress too.

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