New Room ~ 5

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Yay new chapter

I haven't posted in a while so I figured a short chapter is better than no chapter

(I wrote this in like an hour and a half so if the grammar/spelling is bad, that's why)

I roll over and stop my alarm.
My eyes flutter open and I squint at the light drifting in through my window.
Why am I so tired? I went to bed early last night.

I sit up in bed not wanting to leave the warmth from under the covers.

Finally I bring myself to get up and I get dressed. I brush my teeth and then put my hair up into a half ponytail.

I go to the kitchen and put a bagel in the toaster. While I wait for my bagel I finish packing my bags and bring them to my front door.
I go back into the kitchen and put some cream cheese on my bagel.

With half of the bagel in one hand I put my bags into my car trunk with the other hand.
I check the time and it's almost time to leave.
I have to leave earlier this time after being almost late last time. Knowing my luck, I'll just be super early instead today.

I grab the other half of my bagel, lock the front door and start my car.
I dig through my bag, double checking I have everything then I head on my way to Velvet and Veneer's house.


"I wonder if they will move into the room we offered," Veneer thought out loud.
Veneer sat sideways on the couch with his legs resting on the armrest and one of his arms draped over the back of the couch.
"I dunno Ven, it's only their third day on the job."

He shrugged and shifted his attention back to his phone screen.

Not long after, the front door unlocked with a click and y/n walked in with a suitcase and two bags.
"Hey! I decided to take you guys up on that room offer" they said with a smile.

"Veneer why don't you show them to the room, I don't feel like getting up."
He nodded and jumped up from the couch.

(Y/n pov now)

Veneer walks over to me and offers to take one of my bags. I hand him the lighter one of my two bags and I follow him to the room.

He opens the door for me and I set my bag on the bed.
He walks in after me and sets my bag on the bed with my other one.
"I decorated it a bit for you last night."
"Thats so nice of you!"
"I'll be in the living room with Vels."
He leaves the room with a proud smile, shutting the door behind himself.

The room has purple walls with a dresser to the left of the door. A round mirror sat atop the dresser with blue lights strung around the edge of it. There's a bookshelf next to the dresser and across from the dresser is the bed.
Blue sheets were draped across the bed with blue matching pillows. A few stuffed animals were placed on top of the pillows. One of them I recognized from in Veneer's dressing room. It was sitting by his vanity.
In another corner of the room was a desk with a shelf on the wall above it.

I picked up my suitcase and brought it to the walk in closet. I slowly started to unpack my clothes, realizing how little clothes I actually had. The huge closet makes the amount of clothes I own seem like nothing, especially when compared to Velvet and Veneer's large collections.

I finish unpacking all my beds and lay down on my bed. Other than reminding the twins to release their new single at noon, there was nothing planned until two so I took this valuable free time to relax.

I toss the covers to the side and lay down on my bed.
The pillow smells like Vanilla?
But isn't that Veneer's scent?
It smells really nice though.

(The night before, Velvet pov)

"Veneer! What's taking you so long in there?!"
He had been in the room we offered y/n for almost two hours now decorating.

I walked up to the room and knocked on the door but received no response.
That's strange

I open the door and see Veneer lying on their bed passed out.
He's sprawled across the bed face down in the pillows.

I walk up to him and shake his shoulder to wake him up. He groggily opens his eyes, "hm?"

"Veneer you fell asleep in y/n's bed!"
He sat up in confusion and looked around, rubbing his eyes.
"Oh yeah, I'm so tired I must've fallen asleep by accident."
"Well it is almost 1am"
"Oh really?!"
I nod.

He gets up and fixes the blankets. He adjusts the stuffed animals and made sure everything was perfect.
"They are gonna love it!" He exclaims proudly to Velvet.
"Sure man, now you need to go to bed in your own room."

I grab him by the wrist and drag him into his bed room.
"Good night"
"Good night Vels"

(Back to present time)

Out of curiosity I leave my new room and walk out to where Velvet and Veneer are sitting.

"So Veneer, why does my bed smell like you?" I question as I sit down on a couch by him.
A look of surprise washes over his face and he looks away in embarrassment, his cheeks dusting pink.

"He's a loser and fell asleep on your bed while decorating" Velvet answered for him before he could respond.

"Yeah, I was decorating your room and your bed just looked so comfy so I laid down for what was supposed to be just 30 seconds but then just ended up falling asleep."
"I had to go in there and wake him up to bring him to his own room" velvet adds, rolling her eyes and side eyeing him.

I laugh quietly at the siblings' banter.

"Sorry about your bed by the way," Veneer apologizes.
"Nah man, you smell nice anyway," I say before reminding them, "And just an fyi you guys should be releasing the new single in about in hour."
His cheeks turn a darker shade of red.
Velvet gives me a thumbs up and I go back into my room.

Sure enough about an hour later I get a notification on my phone of their new release.

Words: 1111 <- haha

I don't know where I'm going with this story, I'm just making stuff up as I go and hoping it'll have some sort of plot.

Wow there's actually people reading this, thats kinda crazy

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