Shopping ~ 4

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This chapter is longer yay!
(But oml it took forever to write and if there's spelling errors, sorry. Revising long stuff takes forever and I miss things)

For this chapter y/n wears feminine clothes. If you don't like that change it in your head ig
It's hard to write gender neutral stuff


"Ugh, they are like 30 minutes late. Where are they?"
"Sis, maybe we should just give them a room here like we considered earlier. Then they couldn't be late."
"Yeah we do have that extra room down the hall."
"I'm starting to wonder if something bad happened to them though. Who would be so late on only their second day on the job?"

Just then a click was heard from the front door and a panicked y/n burst in the room.

"I'm soo sorry! There was traffic and I was stuck forever! I promise I'll leave earlier tomorrow!" Y/n was very visibly distressed.
"Oh uh you're fine I guess" Velvet said.
As her brother, I could tell she was just as worried as I was and just trying to hide it.

Y/n took her shoes off and left her bag by the door.
"Well, it looks like there isn't anything's planned for today. Is there anything you guys want to do?"
I thought about things to do for a minute but before I could think of anything Velvet yelled out "shopping!"
"Yes!" I agreed, "We should go to that new mall they opened in rageous square!"

"Shopping it is then" y/n declared.


(Y/n pov now)

One I finished helping Velvet and Veneer get ready, I called the driver and we were on our way to the mall.

I stared mindlessly out the window while Vevet and Veneer talked about which stores they should go to.

"We should go this store first"
"But this store is closer to that store so we should go there first."
"But what about this shoe store? I'm always needing more shoes"
"I thought you wanted to go to the dress store?"
"We can go to both"
"But I want to go to this store too"
"But what about the make up store"

"We can go to all the stores. There's no need to argue about it," I intervene, tired of their arguing.

Soon enough we arrive at the mall.

It is a giant purple/grey multi-story building and just by the looks of it I could tell the even the cheapest things in there were going to be expensive.

Velvet and Veneer strut into the mall and I follow after them.

Once inside Velvet and Veneer look around to decide where they want to go first.
Velvet puts a hand on Veneer's shoulder and points to a shoe store.
"Let's go there first!"
Veneer looks in the direction she's pointing and quickly nods before the two of them run off into the store.

I take my time walking to the shoe store because I know they'll be a while in there.
I look around and notice everything here is fancy. Even the escalators.
By the time I enter the shoe store, Velvet is already sitting next to a stack of 6 shoe boxes and she's trying on a 7th pair.

In a different isle Veneer is inspecting a pair of blue shoes he's trying on. He seems to be a bit less shoe crazy than Velvet.

Finally, almost half an hour later, Velvet walked out of the store with 5 pairs of shoes she bought and Veneer 2 pairs.
"Here, hold my bag y/n" Velvet said while handing the bag of shoes to me. Veneer handed me his bag too.
"Should we go to the clothes store next?" Veneer proposed.
"Yes!" Velvet agreed.

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