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Got a lot of support on the first chapter so here's chapter two. I'm taking this fanfic chapter by chapter - if people are liking it, I'll keep writing. 

Lots of medical stuff in here, soooo yeah. 



Felix must have dozed off because he woke up to Changbin tapping his cheek. "Hey, Yongbokkie, we're here." 

"Oh, okay." Felix moved to sit up but was pushed back down by Chan's hand on his chest. 

"Please, Felix, you're going to give me a heart attack." He chuckled slightly insanely. "Just let us help you." 

"I can sit up, Chris." Felix laughed, reaching up to rub his eyes. 

"I'm sure you can, but for my sake can you just let us help? Please, mate?" 

Felix sighed, "As long as next time I call you at 4am to come home from the studio, you actually listen and come home." 

Chan's eyes widened and his mouth popped open to argue, but he took a deep breath and nodded. "Fine. If that's what it takes." 

"Good." Felix smiled and Chan couldn't help but smile back. Felix's smiles were contagious no matter the situation. 

"Changbin," Chan called back. "Can you park the car for us? I can help Felix get checked in." 

"Sure, hyung." Changbin and Chan quickly got out and Felix patiently waited for the eldest to make it to his side of the car to help him out. 

Very slowly, and this time making sure not to twist his body, Felix got out of the car to his feet. He let Chan keep his arm wrapped around his shoulder though as Changbin drove off to the parking garage. 

Under the drive-up awning, the lights were blinding and painful for Felix's tired eyes. He pulled his hoodie up, thankful for his jacket now, and took a tentative step forward. Not too much pain, it hurt, but it was a 4 out of 10 - bearable. "Alright, I'm good." Felix nodded, and together, the two Aussies headed into the hospital. 

The waiting room was relatively empty. There was one woman with her down-syndrome child on her lap, but other than that, there was only a receptionist behind the desk. The smell though, Felix knew that as soon as he got back to the dorm, he was taking a shower - it smelled like rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, and latex. The scent burned his nose. "Hospitals stink." Felix groaned as they walked up to the main desk. 

"That they do, mate." Chan nodded and tapped his fingers on the counter to get the receptionist's attention. "Excuse me." 

"Oh, hello." She answered him, glancing up from her computer. "Name?" 

"I'm Felix." Felix answered, lifting his head and stepping closer to the desk. "Lee Felix." 

"Date of birth?" 


"Do you have an appointment or are you a walk-in?" 

"Walk-in." Felix answered, sucking in a breath as he felt his back tense without warning. It was close to a spasm, but not quite there. Yet he could feel the way the tension was building - he was going to spasm. 

"What's the problem tonight?" The receptionist asked as she typed in his information to her computer. 

"He's having pretty severe back pain." Chan answered for him, noticing the way the younger was holding his breath. Spasm? Pain? Whatever it was, he was pretty sure Felix's voice was rendered useless currently. 

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