
413 23 96

I've got nothing to say. Enjoy <3

(Actually, sorry Felix... yeah, I'm really really really sorry.) 


All the doctors and nurses were right - Felix barely remembered a thing. 

When he really came back to himself, he was being discharged. He was pretty sure he'd been awake for a while - an hour maybe. He remembers that Australian nurse giving him pain meds through an IV, there was a doctor saying something to him that should probably have horrified him, but the most he could really feel was a little surprised. The thing he remembered best was the mortification he felt when he had to get dressed again. He couldn't exactly speak straight. His sentences were short and choppy. And if his mouth was any indication for how the rest of his body worked... well... let's just say he was no help in getting himself dressed.

The Australian nurse and her nurse-in-training made quick and painless work of getting his jeans back on - he was vaguely aware of his underwear feeling stiffer and puffier than normal though he couldn't exactly tell why. The next thing he knew, he was in the car, seat leaned all the way back, and there was a hand in his hair. 

"Hyung?" He called out, trying to gauge who was around him. Who had he gone to the hospital with? He could barely even remember that. 

"Hi Yongbokkie." Changbin's warm voice responded from above him. 

"Think I'm gonna... gonna miss dance practice, hyung." He yawned, eyes sliding shut. Changbin probably answered but Felix had no idea because he was out cold. Or warm. He felt warm and comfy finally. Though he didn't remember exact moments in the hospital he remembered feelings and temperatures. He remembered a long time feeling cold and alone. And then there was the feeling of a hand holding his and he felt warm. Though trying to remember more than that hurt his head. 

Chan parked at the dorm and glanced at the clock. It was nearly 6am. He turned around, staring hard at Changbin whose eyes were glassy with exhaustion. "You're not going to dance practice either, Bin. You're going to go to bed and sleep all morning, got it?" 

"Yeah, no problem there." Changbin sighed, rubbing his eyes. "What about Yongbok-ah?" 

"I'll watch him." 

"You need sleep too, Chan hyung." 

"I can sleep later." 

Changbin opened his mouth to argue but Chan had already exited the car and was rounding it to Felix's side. He kept his mouth shut, too tired to fight Chan's poor sleep schedule today. Instead, he helped carry the young dancer to his room with Chan. 

They laid him on his stomach, propping his head up as recommended. Chan pulled his shoes and socks off before covering his feet and legs with the blanket. However, he pulled his hoodie up, revealing the compression bandage on his lower back over the puncture site and the hidden herniated disc beneath it. "The packet said we'll have to take that off in 24 hours and clean the area. It'll be sore for a while, but the packet said to look for discharge and..." 

"Chan hyung." Changbin interrupted the nervous babbling. "We'll talk about that when we get to that. Let's just sleep." 

Chan sighed and slipped into bed beside Felix - so much for his own bed across the room. 

Changbin basically sleepwalked on his way back to his room and fell face first onto his bed, shoes on and everything. But he was out in a second and nothing was going to wake him up. 

Nothing but the ruckus that took place just outside his door a few hours later. 

"WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN FELIX WENT TO THE HOSPITAL!" It was no doubt Han's frantic shouting that was the cause of Changbin's wakefulness. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US, CHANNIE HYUNG?!" 

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