Flashing Lights. Blinding Pain.

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Quick story time that inspired this chapter.

At work we got a call to a child (I always take the 12 and under patients, so this was my scene). When we got there, firefighters were already there, and one guy had taken the scene until I could dismiss him and assume control. But this guy, while medically doing everything right, was a total dick to this poor kid. Usually there's a way around it but sometimes we have to hurt patients to make them feel better, that's only in emergencies though - which was definitely not the case with this call. That poor kid. I felt so bad for her. So, because I can't be a dick back to him, I'm taking my anger out in my writing. 



The members hurried out of the car, heads hung low as they walked into the venue their photoshoot was at - More concept photos for Oddinary. They'd been really looking forward to this all week. Now? It would be a lie to say they didn't want to go home. 

"So, umm, Lix." Han whispered, popping up next to his twin's side. "How are you feeling? Better, Same? ...Worse?" 

"I'm okay, Hannie." Felix offered a smile, reaching out to squeeze the elder's hand. "Let's just... forgot about that car ride, yeah?" 

Han smiled back. "What car ride? I just magically appeared here. I don't even know what a car is." 

"Jisung! Stop avoiding me!" Both boys turned to see Han's makeup artist standing by her supplies, hands on her hips, glaring at the rapper. 

"Oh... yeah." Han shrugged, jogging over to her side, but not after giving Felix's hand a squeeze back. 

The Aussie hung in the corner of the room while the rest of the members were busying themselves getting hair and makeup done. He found a comfortable spot on the couch and just sat there, scrolling on his phone, listening to the soft chatter around the room of staff, members, and managers. 

He could forget about everything for a just a minute to lie there and be a part of it all. That was until Minho came up to his side.

"Hi, hyung." Felix glanced up at him, noting the little pill bottle in the dancer's hand. "What's that for?" 

"Pain meds. I want to see what happens when I just shy of overdose you." Minho stated casually, pouring out several pills into his palm.

"Uh, okay." Felix slowly pushed himself up, feeling the way his back ached, but it never shot with pain. Once he was up, he took the water bottle from Minho and let the dancer pour four little pills into his hand. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" 

"I guess we'll find out. It can't get worse, can it?" 

Felix wanted to argue that yes, it could get worse if he ended up overdosing. But he also trusted Minho to not let that happen, so he swallowed the pills with a big gulp of water, glancing back up at the dancer when he was done. 

"Good. Your stylist wants you now." Minho took the water bottle from his hands and offered his arm for Felix to stand up, but the younger managed on his own. If he was careful not to twist or bend, he could really do anything on his own. He wandered over to his stylist who finished his hair and makeup relatively quickly. It probably actually wasn't that fast, he just completely zoned out - maybe all the drugs he'd been taking recently were catching up to him. 

But he was soon led out of that room to where the costume room was. Though it was more just a section of the venue they were in partitioned off by the racks of clothing and accessories - people were passing by rather casually just beyond the racks and had Felix been any taller he would have made eye contact with some of the camera crew over the barrier despite the fact that they were on the other side of the room. 

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