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Lots of medical stuff happening in this chapter. Lots of procedures and talk of severe side effects. Sorry if it's a lot. I wanted to make this as accurate to this condition as possible (though I'm by no means saying this is how Felix presented when he had his herniated disc). 

Anyways, enjoy this terrifyingly long chapter (it's over 7000 words... oops)


Felix was back on Chan's phone while they waited for the doctor and nurses to return to begin the procedure. Chan couldn't care less, he sat beside Changbin and watched as the younger mindlessly scrolled through Instagram on his secret account. 

There was a knock on the door and Felix's head snapped up, staring at Melina as she entered with the nurse-in-training from before. "Hey, Felix, you ready?"

"Uh, yeah." He turned Chan's phone off and handed it back to the leader.

Melina put the bed down to a completely flat surface and unlocked the brakes. "We're gonna go for a little ride." 

Felix nodded and fiddled with his hands again. Melina and the other nurse started heading for the door, Chan followed before whipping around to Changbin who opted to stay in the exam room. He shoved his phone into Changbin's hand. "Send Minho an update, and text Felix's mom just so she knows what's going on - I'm sure Felix told her, but she has the right to know the full details. If a manager texts, don't reply until I come back, yeah?" 

"Alright." Changbin nodded, making a list in his head. He patted Chan's leg as the elder hurried off to follow the two nurses and Felix. The hallways all looked the same, and the leader was certain they were going in circles as they just kept walking for what felt like forever. Finally, though, Melina entered a new room. This one had a window out to the street a story below them and the walls were a crisp white instead of bright blue. 

She parked the bed in the middle of the room and hurried over to the wall of cabinets. Chan hung very close to Felix's bed, though for right now, the younger seemed okay, simply picking at his nails.  Still, Chan let his hand rest on the dancer's shoulder just to give him a bit of extra assurance. 

The door opened, revealing three new people. One looked to be a doctor, he had the typical white coat on, but the two men flanking him wore scrubs. "Hello, Felix, I'm Dr. Park. I'm going to perform your lumbar puncture." 

Chan could hear Felix gulp and saw his Adam's apple bob. Okay, so maybe Felix was a bit more nervous than he was putting off. Chan tightened the grip he had on his shoulder, rubbing it with his thumb. 

"This is Eric, our anesthesiologist." Dr. Park motioned to the young man to his right. 

Felix nodded slowly and Chan had to lean down and translate the word to English. 

"And this is Minho, he's going to be helping me with the procedure." 

Felix managed a smile at the other, older, man in scrubs. "My friend's name is Minho." 

"It's a good name." The nurse chuckled, pulling out latex gloves from a box in the corner. 

While Melina, Dr. Park, the nurse-in-training, and Minho organized things over by the cabinet, Eric pulled over a small table and stood in front of Felix. "I'm going to get a low dose of sedation in you - you're gonna feel a little loopy, and probably won't remember much of this."

"Oh, okay." Felix nodded, picking harder at his nails. 

"You a little nervous?" Eric asked gently as he grabbed some things from his table and put a surgical mask on. 

Felix dryly laughed and nodded. "Maybe just a little bit." 

"That's fair. Even though I'm a doctor, any time I have to go in for something I get a little freaked out. It's normal." He knelt next to Felix, ripping open an alcohol pad before rubbing it on the inside of the idol's elbow. He threw the pad on the little metal table then grabbed the syringe and positioned it above Felix's elbow. "This stuff is gonna sting a little bit, but we're going to count to thirty and then it's over. Got it?" 

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