When Did This Happen?

638 26 71

This is about Felix's back pain during Maniac era. There are notes at the end of the chapter. Enjoy!


"Alright, head home, boys. See you at practice tomorrow." The dance instructor called out, waving goodbye as he collected his things. 


"Thank you!" 

"See you tomorrow!" The boys answered, bowing as the man left.

"Alrighty, let's pack up quick and get pizza tonight." Chan decided, clapping his hands together. 

The rest of the members cheered, punching the air as they celebrated their dinner option. And the fact that they were done for the day. With the release of their new album Oddinary right around the corner, they had been working tirelessly for what felt like forever. The promise of pizza wouldn't fix anything, but as Han would often say "pizza can't hurt anything either". 

The boys basically shoved their belongings into the bags, rushing to gulp down the rest of their water bottles and shove them into their dance bags too. Felix felt a little slower, rubbing his back as he bent down to zip up his bag. His back had been sore all day. Scratch that, it had been sore all week. Maybe two weeks. Or was it three weeks? He couldn't remember. It just felt like it had been sore for a while. Not bad, just enough to be uncomfortable at times. He wasn't injured though, he would have known if he'd done something. This is probably just his muscles protesting to the intense Maniac choreography. 

"Hurry up, Lix, I want pizza." Han whined, pouting out his bottom lip. 

"Patience is a virtue, Hannie." Felix chuckled, pulling his bag over his shoulder, his back twinging with a slight bit more pain. A sharper pain. But he didn't think much of it.

"And murder is illegal." Han answered, smiling. "That's not a threat, it's just a statement of fact." 

"We'll keep that in mind when we find Felix's dead body tomorrow morning." Minho huffed, already having his hand on the doorknob. 

Felix rolled his eyes and slung his arm around Jeongin as they headed out of the practice room and down the hallway. "Hey, hyung." Jeongin began, his sparkling black eyes lifting to Felix's face. "There's a new kdrama that just came out that I kind of want to watch..." 

"Of course, I'll watch it with you, Innie!" Felix smiled, ruffling the younger's hair. "Maybe we can head out for snacks tonight after dinner and have a binge watch night. My schedule surprisingly doesn't start until 10am tomorrow, so I can afford a late night." 

"Mine starts at 8." Jeongin sighed. 

"Well, sucks to be you." Felix laughed, earning an irritated yet amused groan from the maknae. "We can start the first episode right after dinner so it's not too late then." 

Jeongin nodded excitedly. 

Turns out, the rest of the members wanted to tag along. It was a drama that Hyunjin and Changbin had been waiting for since it was announced, and of course, Minho secretly loved any kind of romance drama, and wherever there was Minho there was Han. Seungmin didn't want to be left out - since there would be snacks. And Chan contentedly sat in the corner, half watching the drama, half secretly snapping pics of the members cuddling on the single couch. 

It was a perfect night. The set up was incredible, and three episodes in, they'd already finished the snacks and were glued to the tv. Then it stopped. 

"Hyung!" Jeongin exclaimed, turning towards Felix who'd paused the show. 

"Oh, come on, Lix, he was about to kiss her!" Han exclaimed, chucking his throw pillow across the room. 

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