11. - "Warm hands and cold hearts."

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43 AC, Kingslanding

"Ah. IF THAT ISNT MY LOVELY HUSBAND." Jaehaera greeted Maegor at the gates of Kingslanding, almost barking.

"What are you here for Jaehaera? I don't have time for this. I have business to attend to." Maegor sighed, clearly pissed off.

"Do you think I don't know what you did in Oldtown? THE FACT THAT YOU PROPOSED TO YOUR 16 YEAR OLD NIECE. ITS OUTRAGEOUS." Jaehaera barked.

"I see nothing wrong with it. She's of marrying age, she would make a fine wife. Her blood is purer than most, she'd make a formidable Queen." Maegor smiled.

I'm going to get physically violent if this man spews anymore of his bullshit.

"OUR DAUGHTER IS THE SAME AGE AS HER?!" Jaehaera screamed in desperation.

"And? I am a king, I can make exceptions for myself. I can take three wives if I want, I am the King. What I did is not wrong and I can marry as I please. It is my right." He shrugged.

Jaehaera got mildly upset at this. This is my fault, I'm no longer pleasing him.

"Is it because of something I did? Do I not please you anymore? Please, what did I do wrong?" She asked in desperation.

Naerys shouldn't marry her bloody uncle. I will do absolutely everything to avoid this horrendous alliance.

"Is it my fault that you don't keep up with your youthful looks as you did back when you were first married to me? Your beauty has faded."

Maegor didn't feel the slightest bit of remorse as he spoke. That comment must have hurt her.

"I'm sorry, I promise I'll take more care of myself, there is no need for such drastic measures." She pleaded.

"Too late for that now. I have already proposed to the Princess, and she accepted. I have my third wife now and there is nothing you can do to change that."

Maegor looked down as he finished speaking, trying to hide his slight smirk.

Oh. He seems steadfast on this.

Jaehaera just sighed. "I'm sorry."

Maegor sighed too. It is a bit awkward to be so cruel to her.

"I am sorry too. I just.. I don't know what happened to you. You used to be so beautiful, you were more beautiful than even Visenya. I just wish you would put more of an effort in like my other wives. I love my wives who are still beautiful."

"Yeah, because maybe they didn't have two back-to-back pregnancies. Atleast I'm doing my duty, what are they doing? Sitting on their ass and eating your food."

Maegor was about to respond with a nasty response when he noticed something. A slight smile came across his face.

"Jaehaera, it's been a long time since I've heard you be this mean. Maybe some of your fire and fight is still in there."

That got him a little excited, seeing her be a little more confrontational. Maybe there was still some of that feisty person he first married in there.

"So, you agree to not wed your niece?" She smiled. "This is all some great power scheme of the hand, you know? He has risen above himself with this marriage. I know you feel attracted to her because the Hand told you it was okay. It's not."

"No, I will not cancel the marriage. If I wish to have that, I will wed the Princess. That is final. Why should I deny myself, when she wants me? She's only 16, how dare you stand between two people who love each other."

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