Candles~ (maledom)

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Jayden and River were relaxing on the couch watching a movie in their big Tee's and underwear, River was sitting sideways on the couch with her legs over Jayden's lap and her head on his chest and Jayden had his arms around her. During the movie River started to get a little needy, she moved one of her boyfriends hands near where she needed him, while trying to act all innocent. Jayden looks down at her, "what are you doing angel?" He keeps his hand where she moved it, but doesn't let her move it any more. "What do you mean? I'm not doing anything" River shrugs her shoulders and tries to hide a small smile. "Uhhhhh huh, okay baby". Jayden moves his hand just barely over her pussy, covered only by her underwear. "Seems like someone needs some attention" Jayden runs his finger over the little wet spot forming on his girlfriends underwear, he leans closer to her ear "what's got you all worked up hm?" River squirms in her seat "idk what you're talkin about" still trying to play it innocent. "So I just shouldn't acknowledge this little wet spot?" He runs his finger back over it, "or the way you're squirming? The way you've been moving your hips the whole movie? You want me to ignore all that?" He moves his hand away from her. "No! No don't please" River grabs his hand and moves it back to where it was. "Don't what princess? Use your words" He slightly moves his finger over her clothed clit. River looks up at him, "please touch me?" Jayden smiles down at his desperate girlfriend and runs his fingers over her more, slowly adding little bits of pressure. River arches her back and lets out soft little moans, "more". Jayden moves her so she's more on his lap, her back to his chest and her legs on either side of his. "Here's how we're gunna do this, I'll touch you, but you don't get to cum until the end of the movie, you cum before I say and you get punished, you make it through and you get a reward, got it?" He slowly moves his hand down her chest, down her stomach, and down her thighs. River squirms in his lap, trying to follow his hand with her hips. "Yes sir please" Jayden slips his hand into her underwear, slowly rubbing her clit, speeding up at random times only to slow back down, making her whine and buck her hips. He kisses down her neck and starts to speed up, "don't miss this part of the movie, it's your favorite, remember?" He smiles to himself, moving a bit faster. "I'm gunna cum, Jayden please" she tries to push his hand away, but he doesn't move. "Baby please no I'm gunna cum please please" he laughs a little before pulling away, feeling her tense up a bit and then relax while whining. "I hate this already" Jayden runs her thighs and lets her catch her breath, "you were the one who got all horny over nothing" he kisses her neck. "It wasn't over noth- fuck!" Jayden starts to rub her again, cutting off her sentence. "What was that princess? I couldn't quite hear you" she doesn't answer, instead just hits his arms and continues to squirm and moan. "Oh you wanna hit now?" He moves his other hand to stick two fingers into her, finger fucking her while still playing with her clit. River grabs onto his wrist, "god fuck I'm gunna cum stop please" he pulls away but continues to just barely run his finger over her slightly sensitive clit, making her squirm. After a few edges, the movie ends and River gets her reward. "You did so good baby girl, what do you want hm?" He runs his hands over her sides and thighs while she thinks, after a while she looks up at him, "candles?"
~time skip because my head is empty~

20 minutes later here they are, River tied down to the bed in black lacy lingerie, her hands over her head and her legs tied to the bedposts. Jayden straddling her lap holding one of those lotion candles (no idea what they're called), and a vibrator inside of her on a medium setting, strong enough to feel good but not strong enough to make her cum. Jayden starts to let the candle drip, starting on her upper chest, letting a few drops fall and letting her get used to the feeling. He starts letting more and more drop, moving the candle down to her tits, down her stomach, and over her thighs. The whole time she's moaning and whining, moving her hips against she toy and flinching away from the wax, loving every single second of it. "Such a good girl, taking it so well yea?" He drips a few more drops onto her upper thighs. "I think you deserve to cum now, don't you think?" River nods her head quickly, having been on the verge of cumming the whole time but not being able to go over the edge. Jayden grabs a little knife and cuts off the lingerie, "I'll buy you a new pair" he scrapes some of the wax off with knife, leaving little scratches all over her skin. He turns the vibrator up and dips his head between her legs, starting off as fast as he can go. She tries to close her legs around his head but the restraints stop her, leaving her spread open for him to do as he pleases. He licks and sucks even faster while fucking her with the vibrator, making her scream out for him. "Jayden I'm gunna cum fuck please wanna cum please please" he can feel her tensing up, clenching around the toy and arching her back so far it looks like it's a about to break. He nods his head against her and the moment he does she cums on his face and the toy. He slowly comes to a stop and pulls the toy out. "You think one is enough or do you want another pretty girl?" He moves her hair out of her face while letting her catch her breath and think. "One more?" She looks up at him with desperate begging eyes. "How do you want it baby?" He leans down and kisses her neck. "Ride you?" She tilts her head back to give him more room. "My little cowgirl" he laughs and unties her, kissing her wrists and ankles before grabbing a strap and putting it on, sitting on the bed and pulling her onto his lap. He lowers her slowly onto his dick and lets her adjust for bit. He makes her go slow at first, "please go faster daddy" she tries to move herself but his hold on her is too tight. "Beg baby girl" he makes her go even slower while he waits. "Please daddy go faster I've been good please Jayden, please fuck me faster please" he loosens his grip on her sides and let's her speed up. "Fuck yourself on daddy's dick baby" he lets her go the speed she wants, watching her ride him was one of his favorite things. Soon enough she started to slow down, her movements getting sloppier and her whining getting louder, "please help me, can't" she wraps her arms around his neck. "Aw does my pretty girl need help getting off?" She nods her head "please Jayden" he grabs her hips and fuck up into her, she collapses into his chest and can barely even move, he keeps fucking into her and kissing all over her neck and shoulders. "Fuck gunna cum please" and speeds up his movements "cum for daddy baby" the moment the words leave his mouth she yells out, cumming harder than she did last time and digging her nails into his back, making him bleed. He lets her lay there to catch her breath before lifting her off to take off the strap and picking her back up to take her into the bathroom so they can have a bath together. Jayden cleans the scratches he left from the knife and River cleans the cuts on his back from her nails. Once their done they change into some comfy clothes and cuddle in bed, River falling asleep almost immediately in her boyfriends arms.

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