jealousy~ pt. 3 (aftercare)

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"You did so well for me, you took it all so well, my good girl" he kisses her again softly. River smiles tiredly up at her boyfriend, "god you exhaust me" Jayden smiles and leans down to kiss over her face, speaking in between each kiss. "Well," kiss "you," kiss "fully," kiss "deserved it" kiss, he finishes off with a soft kiss on her lips. "Let's get you all cleaned up yea?" River nods her head and Jayden picks her up bridal style, River lays her head on his shoulder and wraps her arms around him. Half way to the bathroom Jayden acts like he's about to drop her just to be an ass, River hits his shoulder "you're such an asshole" she tries to put on a serious face "yea but you love me" river rolls her eyes and lays her head back down, smiling. Jayden sets his lover on the toilet, "bath or shower baby girl?" He squats down in front of her. "Mmmmmmm bath" River leans forward and ruffles his fluffy hair, messing it up and running her fingers through it. Jayden leans into her hand for a bit before standing up to start a warm little bubble bath. He started the water and poured in the bubbles before walking back over to river and picking her up so he could sit on the toilet with her on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, river snuggled into him and his her face in his neck, Jayden resting his chin on her shoulder so he could keep an eye on the bath. He softly scratched her back and she did the same while running her hands through his hair again. "I love you baby girl" River smiles and burries her face further in his neck "I love you too baby" Jayden leaves a little kiss on her shoulder before standing up with her in his arms to put her in her bath. "Are you gunna come in with me?" River gets comfy on their little bathtub mat thing, "I'll get in after I clean you up" he leans down and kisses her head. He kneels down besides the bathtub and grabs a little cup to wet her hair, tilting her head back and running his fingers through her hair while pouring the water, watching her body relax and a smile form on her face. He grabs the shampoo and rubs it into her scalp, being her lean into his hand and relax even more. He rinses his hands off and washes the shampoo out, continuing to rub her scalp and making sure it all gets out. He grabs her conditioner and rubs it in next, rinsing his hands off after and grabbing her body wash to wash her body. He has her sit up on her knees so he can wash her front and back, being careful in case she was still sensitive. After he gets her front and back all soapy she sits back down so he can get her legs and feet. He rinses all the soap off before rinsing out her conditioner, humming a little song the whole time. Jayden changes out the water and lets her sit in the warm bath for a bit while he cleans up their room and gets River some clean comfy clothes. He gets her some shorts and his hoodie and him some sweatpants and a T-shirt, he walks back into the bathroom with a towel in hand and helps River out of the bath. He sits her back on the toilet and helps her dry off, "do you wanna do your hair or let it air dry and do it tomorrow?" He kneels down in front of her and kisses her knee. "Mmmmm tomorrow, I'm sleepy" Jayden nods his head and stands up to kiss her forehead. He finishes drying her off and grabs some things to clean up her cuts eith. He gets some anti bacterial ointment stuff and bandaids, even for the ones that didn't bleed at all just to be safe. He kisses each and every one before and after cleaning them. He helps her get dressed before carrying her to their bedroom. "Do you want snacks or drinks or anything or do you want a movie and bed?" He sets her down in the bed, moving the freshly washed blankets he put on, "just a movie and bed please, I want cuddles and sleep" she gives him a pouty look and he rolls his eyes playfully. "C'mere baby" he lays down in the bed and opens his arms. River jumps onto him, wrapping her arms around him and cuddling into his chest. Jayden turns them so they're both laying on their sides facing each other, he kisses all over her face and scratches her back. "I love you so much, you're the light of my life, I wanna marry you" River hides in his neck, "I love you so much more, and you will marry me" they kiss softly, and soon after fall asleep tangled together on the bed.

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