jealousy~ (maledom)

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River and Jayden were out at a bar one night, it was around 8:30 when they arrived. They had planned to only have a couple drinks before meeting up with some friends, but River had a different idea. Riv always got a lot of attention from guys and girls, it made sense, she was beautiful and had a fun, bubbly personality. Jayden never really paid much mind to it as he knew she was his, though he would let his jealousy slide sometimes because he knew how much she loved it. He didn't know just how far she'd go for it though, until he noticed a guy walk up and try to hit on her when he left her at the table to go get them drinks. He leaned against the bar and watched them, how it looked like his lover was flirting back. At first he felt a sting in his heart, but then realized what she was doing. He walked over to the two, sending his lover a glare that sent shivers up her spine. When he got to the table, he grabbed her neck roughly and pulled her in for a rough, full of jealousy kiss. He claimed her right there, he kissed her until he heard the other guy walk away. "What the fuck was that? Hm?" He pulled back slightly so he's still inches from her face. She begins to open her mouth but closes it for a few seconds. "He was kinda cute" she shrugs and tries to look away from him, but his hold on her neck is too tight, "I see you talking to any other fucking guys and I swear to god we will leave this bar and I will make you regret ever making these plans do you understand me?" He speaks low enough so only she can hear him, he sees the mix of fear, lust, and mischief in her eyes. She nods her head, already forming a little plan. Jayden hands her her drink and sits down across from her, his eyes softer and face more relaxed. A little bit later, Jayden, reluctantly, leaves River at the table again to use the bathroom. The whole time he's almost certain she's playing her little game again. His thoughts are proven correct when he walks out and sees her batting her eyelashes at some guy. He walks up to them and puts his hand on her shoulder, "walk away man, she's taken" he glares at him. "By who? You? You're not even a real fucking man are you? This sexy thing deserves a real man" Jayden's glare hardens, "walk the fuck away before I kick your pathetic ass out of this bar." He moves to stand in front of River, seeing that this guy doesn't have good intentions. River stands up behind him, "baby calm down," she leans in his ear, "he's kinda cute too" he pushed her back in the seat, making sure to not be too rough. "Listen to the doll face mate, calm down and let her come home with me, let her see what it's like to be with a real man" the guy looks down at her, a disgusting look of lust clear on his face. "She's not going anywhere with you and your shriveled, tiny fucking dick, walk the fuck away" this hit a nerve on the guy, his look of disgusting lust turned to anger. "Shut your bitch ass mouth before I pummel it" Jayden steps back a little, "fucking do it bitch" the guy swings and lands a hit on him, making his nose and lip start to bleed. "Now I can say it's self defense" Jayden goes to hit him, catching him off guard and knocking him to the ground. He grabs his unfinished drink and pours it on him before grabbing Rivers hand and walking out. Once they're outside, he pushes her against the wall. "What did I tell you hm? Can't listen to simple instructions? You really want it that fucking badly?" His words are harsh, but his tone is teasing, she knows he knows exactly what she was doing, and she knows he's giving it to her. "You don't own me, you can't control what I do, I'll flirt with whoever the fuck I wanna flirt with" the look in his eyes told her she hit a nerve. He dragged her over to the car, (he only had half a drink don't drink and drive). His hand is on her thigh the whole time, grabbing to so hard she can feel it bruising, but she knows she's in too deep of shit to protest. "What about our plans?" She decides to add some attitude in her tone. "We can make plans another time, you clearly forgot who the fuck you belong to so you need a reminder" he kept his tone as flat as he could and his eyes on the road, his hold on her thigh tightening. She's quiet the rest of the ride home. Once they get home, Jayden gets out and opens her door for her like he always does, he drags her into the house and straight up to the bedroom.

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