spin the bottle~ (maledom rewrite)

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Jayden and River are at a friend's party, they all decide to play spin the bottle and River pulls one of her guy friends to the side without Jayden noticing. "I need your help to make Jayden jealous" Lukas, the friend, looks confused for a bit. "Why are we making him jealous?" River blushes a bit and leans against the wall, "because it makes the sex good" she shrugs her shoulders like it was an obvious answer. "Ohhhh I get it, you want that angry jealous sex" he leans against the wall across from her, "so what's the plan" River smiles at him, "if either of us spins the bottle and it lands on one of us, we choose 7 minutes in heaven, I'm not having sex with you so don't even get that idea, I'm just gunna make some fake noises or some shit" Lukas looks a little skeptical for a second, "you don't think it might hurt him?" River smiles again, "he knows very well I'm all his, at most he'll just think your hand is down my pants or something, he knows it wouldn't mean anything to me and I wouldn't do something like that otherwise" Lukas thinks for a moment, "what if he kills me?" This time River laughs, "he'll be too focused on me to kill you, and I'll make sure I tell him before he has a chance to really hurt you, but no promises he won't get a swing in" she walks away before he can say anything else and sits next to the oblivious Jayden. After a few spins and the two lovers both feeling a bit jealous from seeing the other kiss another person, Lukas spins the bottle and it lands on River.  "7 minutes in heaven" Jayden glares over at Lukas, and then at River. She looks over to him for permission, she can barely notice a bit of hurt in his eyes at the fact that she was considering it, but he also knew that she was competitive and didn't turn down from a dare, so he nodded his head, giving her permission. River smiles and stands up, folwoen Lukas to the closet across from Jayden. Another friend of theirs closes the door and locks it, a few seconds later there are faint, quiet moans coming from the closet. At first, just feels a sting in his heart, but he soon realizes what's going on. After the timer goes off, the two come out of the closet with messy hair and messed up clothes. Jayden puts on a fake look to make River think he believed her little act and stands up and grabs her hand. "We're leaving, right now" they hear little "ooooooooo"s coming from their friends but Jayden ignores them, pulling River out by her wrist. "Baby we've been drinking we can't drive" he stops outside on the sidewalk, "that's why I called us an Uber while you were in there" he keeps his voice as monotone as he can and doesn't make eye contact with her, putting up an act just as she did, but making his more believable. The two stay quiet the whole ride home, Jayden because it helps make his acting believable and River because she knows she's in deep shit when he acts like this. Once they pull up to their house Jayden opens her door like always and pulls her inside, pinning her to the wall right when the door closes. "What was that little stunt for hm?" He puts his hands on either side of her head. "He's kinda cute, and he's good with his hands" Jayden smiles down at her, "don't even try to keep lying to me baby, you two didn't do shit in there" River looks surprised but tries to keep up her act. "Yes we did. He finger fucked me until I came on his good fucking fingers" Jayden wraps his hand around her neck, "I'm getting tired of the lies baby, you don't think I haven't fucked you enough to know what you sound like? I've heard you scream my name so many times I could recognize you from a block away, I know what you sound like when you really moan, so either you two didn't do shit in that closet and you were just putting on some act to make me jealous, or he did finger fuck you but he couldn't do it nearly as good as I can, either way you'd be lying to me, but both of them would get different punishments. Now tell me what the fuck happened in that closet, baby girl" River tries to shrink down under his gaze but his hold on her neck stops her. "Speak, bitch" he knows this would make it harder for her to talk, but he also knows how much she loves it, and he wants to see her struggle for him. "He didn't fuck me, he didn't touch me, it was an act" Jayden smiles at her giving in to him so quickly, "what was the little act for baby? Did you want me to get jealous so I'd show you who you belong to? Fuck you nice and good?" River nods her head, "well guess what you're not getting baby, get upstairs, now" River starts to protest but he gives her a look that makes her almost run up the stairs.
Jayden follows behind her after a few minutes, peeking into the room and seeing her on her knees on the bed, he can tell she's expecting him to give in and fuck her, but he has other plans. Jayden leans against the door frame, crossing his arms "Well don't you look all sexy for me" River jumps slightly, not seeing him at the door at first. Jayden walks in slowly, looking River up and down as he does so. She stripped herself of her shirt and pants before he came in, leaving her in just a lacy bra and panties. "God you're so gorgeous" he gets behind her on his knees, pulling her hands behind her back, "keep them there" he runs his hands all over her. He started up at her neck, tracing all the fading hickeys and bite marks, down to her chest, squeezing and playing with her tits while kissing her neck softly, then her stomach, again tracing a bunch of faded hickeys, and then down to her thighs, tracing the inside of them and not giving her any relief of feeling him on her pussy. He pulls back after a bit, making her whine. "You're gunna have to be extra patient doll face, you're not getting fucked tonight" he gets off the bed and goes to undress. "What? Why?" She whines again and uses her best pouty face. "Because I know you pulled that little stunt just so I'll fuck you, and giving you what you want wouldn't teach you a lesson, now would it?" River shakes her head. Jayden walks over and puts his hands on either side of her hips, making her lay back so he can hover over her. "I'm going to punish you, really punish you, get you all worked up and needy and give you fucking nothing, I'm not going to touch that little pussy of yours, and if you try I won't fuck you for a goddamn week do you hear me?" He leans in so close she can feel his breath on her lips. "Yes sir" Jayden stands back up surprised as he was expecting her to fight back, "that's my good girl" he lifts her chin to kiss her, "now bend over the bed and show me that pretty little ass" River turns around and bends over, looking back at him with a look that makes his heart race, and she knew it. He walked up so his hips were flush with her ass, running his hands up her sides and massaging her ass. "I am going to enjoy seeing this pretty ass of mine turn all red and bruised" right as he finished speaking he steps back and slaps her. River jumps forward and moans out from surprise. "Starting now, you're going to count every single hit I give you, but you don't get to know how many you're getting, and if you mess up, we start over, understand?" River nods her head, earning her boyfriend's hand tangled in her hair and pulling, she moans again again and grabs onto the sheets. Jayden leans down closer to her ear, "speak, doll" the tone in his voice sends a shiver up her spine. "Yes sir, I understand" he loosens his grip on her hair and stands back up, "that's a good girl" he rubs the spot on her ass that he hit earlier before pulling back and hitting her again. River let's out another small moan, "fuck, one" she can already tell that it's going to be a long long night. 10 hits later, her ass is red and stinging, her eyes are starting to tear up and she's grabbing the sheets so hard her knuckles are turning white. "You're doing so good baby, such a good girl" he kisses her shoulder blade, "I think we should change it up a bit, don't you?" She takes a second to process what he said and takes a breath, "change it up how?" Her words are breathless and stuttery, feeling like she could cum at any moment just from this, the evidence of it all on the sheets. "Stay, face forward" River does as she's told and keeps looking forward. She hears him start to undo his belt that he didn't get to taking off earlier, feeling her heart speed up and her breathing become even heavier. She feels him come up behind her and feels his hands on her waist, "you're shaking, darling. Take a breath, relax your body" he runs his hands over her back, helping her relax a bit as she takes a deep breath. "What's your color, sweetheart?" River breathes for a second, "green, I'm okay, it's okay" Jayden sits on the bed next her her. "Baby girl don't lie to me" he lifts her chin so she's looking right at him. "It is green, I promise, I'm just nervous" Jayden leans down and kisses her head, still scratching her back. "It's all okay doll, you know you can use your safe words at any time, and you know I won't ever give you more than I think you can take" River nods her head, knowing he wouldn't push her too much. "Just breath baby, we can save this for another time if you don't feel ready" she shot her head up, "no! I want it, please" Jayden could hear that she was serious, he knew what she sounded like when she really wanted something. He leaned down to kiss her softly one more time before standing back up behind her, "how many hits are we on, baby?" River takes a moment to think, "uhm, 10?" She braces herself for another hit as punishment for getting wrong, but instead she gets a kiss on the shoulder. "Good girl, keeping count like that" he rubs her ass soothingly, "are you ready?" He leans down to whisper in her ear, "yes sir" he stands back up and pulls his hand back before bringing the belt down on her ass. He starts off softer, hitting just hard enough to leave a sting and a slight red mark. "Shit, 11" another 10 hits later, each one harder than the last, Rivers ass was thoroughly bruised with a tiny bit of blood trickling down. "Such a good girl, you took it so well" and bent down and kisses her bruised, sensitive flesh, licking up some of the blood and standing up to kiss her. "I think you've learned your lesson, don't you?" River nods her head, exhausted from her punishment. "Let's get some rest, we'll talk about when you get to cum again tomorrow" She whines but following him into bed after he cleans up her small wounds, cuddling into him and falling asleep quickly. "Sleep well, my sweet girl"

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