spin the bottle~ (femdom)

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River and Jayden are having a little new year's party with some of their friends. There are 2 couples besides them and 3 single people. After a few hours of drinking and talking the group decides to sit down and play a game of spin the bottle. "Some basic ground rules since we have couples here, if you spin the bottle and it lands on someone's partner, you need permission from both partners to do 7 minutes in heaven, or if you just want a kiss ask for boundaries, however if you land on someone single it's free game" River and Jayden sit across from each other, River eyeing down her boyfriend, who has a look in his eye that tells her he's planning something. Their friend Lukas, single, spins the bottle, landing on Lucy, also single. "Come kiss me, Luc" Lucy crawls over to Lukas, putting her hands on either side of his hips and leaning in to kiss him. Lucy spins the bottle next, landing on Jayden. Almost everyone knows that Lucy has a small thing for Jayden, but she never pursued it, respecting him and River's relationship. But with the alcohol and the left over tension from her and Lukas's kiss, she eyes him down. "Kiss me, pretty boy?" Jayden looks over at River for permission, seeing the look in her eyes made him squirm, but she nodded her head. Jayden slowly crawled over to Lucy, sitting on his knees in front of her. Lucy grabs him by his chin, pulling him in for a deep kiss. When he pulls back he looks back over at River, who's staring at Lucy with a death glare that makes him weak. He goes back to his spot and spins the bottle, remembering that the more jealous he makes her, the better she'll punish him. The bottle lands on Danny, "uhm, kiss me" both him and Jayden look over to River for permission, she again nods her head and Danny moves over to Jayden, winking at him when he gets in front of him. "I know the game you're playing, I'll help you make her jealous" Jayden looks up at him and smiles. Danny climbs into Jayden's lap, lifting his chin up to look at him and kisses him, wrapping his hand around his neck in the process.  Danny winks at him again as he moves back to his own spot. After a few more rounds, the bottle lands on River. Kay, the person who spun, who also happens to be sitting right next to Jayden, chooses kiss. River crawls over to her, looking right at Jayden with a look that drives him crazy. She climbs into Kay's lap, cupping her face and putting her hand in her hair before kissing her. Jayden felt a drop in his stomach, both from the pain of seeing her kiss someone so deeply and from seeing how fucking good she looks while doing it. Once River gets back to her seat, she spins the bottle, landing on Jayden. "7 minutes in heaven, now." Jayden's eyes widen, River stands up and everyone in the group makes an "oooooooo" sound. Jayden stands up to follow River, Lukas stands to follow them too so he can lock the closet from the outside. "Don't be getting too freaky in my closet" he winks at them, "oh shit it Luk" River closes the closet door and they hear it lock. River pins Jayden to the wall by his neck, pushing him down so he's eye level with her chest. "Have fun with your little show, baby boy?" Jayden's breathing gets heavier, he goes to speak but he can't find his words. "Did they kiss you better than I can, hm? Make you blush like I can? Make you drip, like I can?" She runs her nail down him stomach. "No, ma'am, they didn't" River digs her nails into his side, making him moan. Jayden buries his face into his lovers tits, trying to muffle his noises. She forces his head back up and wipes her thumb over his bottom lip. "You think they can bruise these pretty lips like I do? Make them bleed the way I do? Make you crave even more like I do? Make you moan from barely anything the way I do?" Jayden's mind was already getting fuzzy, her tone, her nails digging into his skin, her hand around his neck, the way her face is so close to his, he was going insane. "No, they can't, only you can, only you mommy" River scratches her nails over his side, tearing the skin. "Maybe you need a reminder on why I'm the one you call mommy" right when she leans in to kiss him, they hear an alarm go off outside. "Ohhh look at that, times up" River pulls back away from him and Jayden nearly falls to the ground. "What? No! Can we go somewhere? Please?" River thinks for a moment, "we'll see" the closet door opens and they see everyone looking at them in awe. "Y'know we could hear you the whole time, right?" Jayden's eyes widen again, full of fear and arousal. "Oh I know" Jayden looks over to River with the same look in his eyes, "you knew?" She smirks at him, "you didn't?" Jayden pouts at her and looks away all shy. "Me and boytoy gotta leave, see y'all soon" River grabs Jayden by his wrist, pulling him towards the door. "Have fun fucking" Jayden flips them off while River laughs, "I know I will"

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