Chapter 20

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That morning happened to be a holiday in the Academy. Little Shen Nuo sat under a tree, pulled out the jade tassel and caressed it in deep thought. His eyes were unfocussed. He did not see three tall figures appear behind him.

These three were the ones who bullied and harassed him the most. Suddenly all of a sudden, his tassel was snatched away by a pair of agile hands.

Shen Nuo's eyes widened. "No!" He gasped. "Give it back to me!"

But the fat guy amid the three cackled insanely. "Give it to you? Who gave this to you? Ah? What new boyfriend did you meet this time? Or should I say, girlfriend?" He clapped and hooted in delight, spinning the jade tassel in his hand carelessly. "Oh, yeah, you can serve as both right? I forgot! What a shame!"

Shen Nuo's eyes turned red at visible speed. He was the only ger in the Capital. But not many people considered it as luck. There were also people who embarrassed him often like this.

But what could he do? He did not want to be a ger. Was it his fault that he was born like this? He ignored the tears that filled his eyes and lowered his head to the senior brothers with a pleading look. "Please return the tassel back, big brother. I can't loose it."

But another one among the three snatched the tassel from the fat guy, threw it onto the mud and smashed it with his foot. Shen Nuo screamed in agony. "Please don't! Noh!"

Tears poured down Shen Nuo's eyes. He knelt there helplessly and picked up the white jade tassel that was stained with dirt. He did not mind his hand getting stepped on and scratched by the boots of his opponents. He only wanted to save the jade tassel. He wiped away the dirt off it with his hands as if it was a precious treasure. His expression was very painful.

"Shen Nuoyan, you're neither a male nor a female!" They smirked derisively. "You're a transgender freak! You don't belong here. You're not worthy of - "

"- not worthy of what -?" Suddenly their smirk was cut off by a cold frightening voice.

The senior students looked at a certain spot behind Shen Nuo and their eyes widened. They went pale in fright. They stuttered. "Your... Your... Majes-"

"Scram!" The cold voice hissed again, grimly, frightening even Shen Nuo down his pitiful nerves. Who was he? He had never heard that of a powerful and an authoritative voice inside the Academy before.

Shen Nuo was scared at first. He slowly stood up and turned to look back.

And under the bright morning golden rays of the sun, a pair of tear stained eyes and a pair of lordly phoenix eye met and locked. Shen Nuo saw the most handsome youth he had ever seen. That person was more than six feet tall, towering above him like a majestic Pine tree above a small and a weak peony bush...

His slightly raised phoenix eyes looked kingly and frightening. There was no slightest touch of  a smile in his cold and indifferent face and the aura around him was really cold and gloomy. His sword brows were dense and there was a bewitching scarlet mole between his brows. His golden robes fluttered in the winds and the pearl crown he wore made a gentle tinkling sound.

Shen Nuo was flabbergasted. He was speechless. He had a terrible guess in his heart. If he was not wrong, this was the person who named him. This person had to be twenty one this year. He had to be the person he had met when he was small but couldn't remember. Back then, this person was the Crown Prince but now - Emperor Li Yan ...

Shen Nuo knelt down immediately and lowered his head to the grassy ground in courtesy. "Shen Nuo greets Your Majesty!"

A cold and a pale slender palm raised his face from his chin, sending a frightening chill down his back. And their eyes locked again...

[BL]After Transmigration I Became The Villainous Consort. [穿越后, 我成了恶妃]Where stories live. Discover now