Chapter Twenty Seven

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This first week without Leah being close has been awful. Due to the time difference we hardly speak, when I ring Leah she about to go to sleep and vice versa so it's for five minutes at the most. We send picture and videos for each other to watch when we can but with her being so busy at camp and me sorting out my American tour it's not easy.

I see Amanda today,  I take her out for lunch and then we went shopping. we sent Leah a video message with us both on it Amanda is interested in my day to day so I took Amanda to the studio and took a picture of her in the booth and text it Leah telling her I found a new signing. I knew I wouldn't get a text back right away but this made me long for Leah harder. Why did I have to fall in love with a footballer?
As me and Amanda catch up she was more like my mother than my mother had ever been. My parents were there still but never wanted to make time so it made me feel like I didn't need them.

"Well this is me Ellie thank you for a lovely day I hope we hear off Leah soon" Amanda says as I drop her at home.

"It's been lovely, I hope so too I really miss her and I don't know how much longer I can be away from her." I say feeling sad.

"It's only been a week Ellie give it a little longer hopefully it will get better" I know Amanda is speaking sense but my life doesn't feel right with Leah not being in it or close to me. It didn't feel right the first time I toured and look where that ended us.

Later that night

I'm in the bathroom a towel wrapped around me waiting for my shower to warm up when I hear my phone. I run into the bedroom and it's Leah on face time. I answer it as fast as I can.

"Hey beautiful, I've missed you" I say softly. I can see she's been crying and I hate that I'm not there for her.

"Baby what's the matter" I ask.

She wipes her eyes "I hate this...I hate not being able to see you. I hate that we're taking it slow I hate that we haven't told anyone yet. I hate it all. I need you I need my Ellie cuddles" she says through sobs.

"Baby I miss all of that too. I would shout it from the roof tops but we agreed and now I'm wishing we didn't agree to taking it slow and keeping it a secret. I've missed you so much I was telling your mum that today" I say

I hear a giggle from Leah. "Yeah I seen her in the booth that must have been fun I love her but she is tone deaf" I can't help but giggle with her.

"There's my smile I've missed the most" I smile at Leah.

"Are you naked?" She questions.

"I'm a towel round me about to jump in the shower" I smirk at her.

Leah's PoV

"Take me with you" I say softly biting my lip hard. Fuck I'm thinking things I shouldn't be and I just can't stop myself.

"What...what do you mean? You want to see me naked is that it" Ellie giggles as she walks into her bathroom.

I watch as she places the phone on the side so I can see the water running but no Ellie.

"Oh being cheeky now are we" I ask and as I finish my sentence I see her in all her glory. The water running over every inch of her body.

"Fuck me baby your beautiful" I say softly. I want her and I want her right now.

"You miss this" she asks I can't say a word I just nod. I can't help but feel a rush of emotion run through my body. Biting my lip hard I take my hand I slowly slip in under my underwear. I can feel the wetness already and I'm wanting so much more.

"Leah what you doing?" I hear el ask me my eyes focus again on what's just been said. "Erm nothing" I manage to whisper as I circle my clit with my fingers.

"Show me" el demands. I turn my camera and she can see my hand moving under my underwear.

"Fuck baby" she says. I can see where this is going and I've missed our sex calls to each other.

"Tell me le...are you much do you want me there right now" she asks.

A little moan escapes "I'm so wet, I need you el, I need you in between my legs" I say through soft moans

"Le I want to see all of you put your camera somewhere and strip" she demands. I do as I'm told. I place the phone at the bottom of the bed it's a good job I have a room to myself. I strip and lay at the bottom of the bed. I watch as el gets out of her shower all wet and lays on her bed putting her phone up for me to see.

"El touch yourself please" I beg. I see her smile she knows how much I want her and I know how much she wants me. She does as she's told.

I mimic her actions and we speak to each other more and more through our moans our moans getting louder and our dirty talk getting dirtier. God I miss this woman. That's when I feel it. I'm about to reach my high and I know el is. We reach it together and we lay there panting and catching our breath.

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