The break of us or the truth

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Ellie's PoV

"I can't do this Leah, you're killing me" I start to sob.

"El I don't understand what do you mean?" She says taking hold of my hand.

"You're lying and all I want is the truth I'm trying so hard Leah to fix us but you're breaking us. I'd spoken to your mum you wasn't there I checked your find my phone and you was with her just tell the truth"

This is the point where Leah starts to cry.

"Okay yeah I was but it's not like that I promise...please hear me out" I just stare at her.

"Go ahead"

Leah's flashback

Things with me and Ellie after the counselling session just weren't good at all. I knew we needed time apart time to cool off from everything that was said. I didn't want to but I knew there wouldn't be point in me being with her tonight and there was something I needed to do. Something I needed to get off my chest. But to tell Ellie this, I couldn't do.

"I think I'll stay at my mums tonight" I say a lie. A lie I never thought I'd say but I did.

I dropped Ellie off at home and I drove around aimlessly for hours not knowing if I should do what I was going to do or not. But that's when I happened. I was stood at her door I dont even know how I got there but I did.

*knock....knock....knock" I stand and I wait I hear footsteps and I look down at my feet my hands playing with the rings on my fingers.


I look up


I stand staring at her. My best friend of all time the woman who has supported me through everything but the woman who helped me ruin everything.

"Can I come in" I say

As I walk past Alex I instantly take my coat off and shoes. I head to the sofa and sit down like I had done many times before. That's when I hear my phone.

"Have a good night at your mums" It's Ellie.

"Will do she says hi, love you el x" I click send. Another lie. Who am I? I question myself.

"Leah why are you here" Alex says as she sits next to me a bottle of water in hand.

"I don't know. I don't know who I am anymore Alex. This isn't me. You know this isn't me."

"Then tell me who are you?"

"I'm a coward a liar and a cheat Alex" I blurt out I never thought I'd say that ever in my life but I did.

"You know that's not you but I agree we have both made mistakes and are dealing with the consequences"

"So tell me Alex why did you tell Ellie you loved me and..."

Before I could finish my sentence Alex cuts me off.

"Leah....because I do. I have always loved you I always thought as a friend but when we did what we did I questioned if it was more. I questioned a lot about myself that night."

"Then what Al. What do you think now"

"If I'm honest Leah I think this between us isn't right but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss you again"

This took me by surprise. Yes from what I remember I was lost in the moment numb I didn't feel what Alex did. Did I?
That's when I do it and I don't know why but I lean in my hands hold her face and I kiss her. A soft slow kiss. But a kiss I didn't enjoy. It wasn't Ellie.

I pull away. Fuck. Leah for fuck sake.

"I'm sorry Alex, but no i can't do it. You're not her I can't. I'm sorry." I say as tears flood my face. I feel Alex embrace me in a tight hug and this is what I miss my best friend.

That night we talked and talked. I made it clear we couldn't be anything but friends and we wouldn't be how we were before. We agreed to sort our lives out and I promised her we still had each other but Ellie was my priority. That's when I left and went to my mother's.

End of flash back

I listen to everything Leah said. They kissed. They kissed again. I mean does this girl know how broken I am right now. But she told me the truth and that's all I asked for.

Leah takes my hand but I pull it back.

"Leah I can't." Is all I can say.

"El please"

"You have broken me Leah don't you see that" I sob hard.

"You were the love of my life, I've never once hurt you like you have me. Why lie Leah? Why lie again? Why didn't you think to tell me"

"Because you would be mad el"

"Mad yes but I'm madder now fuck I'm beyond mad. I feel sick to my stomach, I feel disobeyed by you Leah. Your my heart Leah and your tearing it up. We were supposed to have a happy life as a married couple but instead we're this." I throw my hands up.

"We're nothing" I whisper.

I look at Leah. She's crying she's shaking her leg I can tell she's angry, upset, hurt but right now I feel like I couldn't give a shit. We sit in silence.

"So is this us done Ellie? Like can we fix this?" Leah whispers wiping her eyes leaning in towards me.

I lean in our heads touching our eyes locked.

"Leah" I whisper.

"Please Ellie tell me" her hands now on my face.

"Leah we're...."


Hey guys,

So finished. Book 1 left on a cliff hanger.

What's going to happen to Leah and Ellie?

Are you all looking forward to the sequel?

Have a fabulous weekend.

Thank you all for reading and being invested.

Remember follow me for the sequel and you won't be disappointed.

Love always

J x

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