Chapter Thirty

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Ellie PoV

As I finish showing Leah around the whole property I just can't help myself. I stand behind her while she's looking out onto the private beach and I wrap my arms around her stomach from behind. My lips touching the side of her neck. I kiss softly as she tilts her neck for easier access.

"I want you" I whisper between kisses. I feel one of her hands reach up to my head as she slowly spins to face me.

"Take me" she whispers back gently biting her lip. Fuck this girl. I lean in as our lips connect it feels like the world has stopped moving. I've missed these lips. Our kisses growing hungrier for each other our hands moving to take off every single piece of clothing. I take Leah's hand and walk her over to the kitchen. Our first stop. I turn her so her back is towards me. I hear her giggle.

"Stand there" I demand. She didn't notice me taking the strap before and placing it on the kitchen chair my plan working. As I get myself in position. I stand behind Leah. I push her top half onto the counter she's now bent over.

"Fuck that's cold" she exclaims

"Good let's get you warmed up" I smugly say. I tap her legs so she opens them wide and I bend down. Fuck she's getting wetter. I lean my head in and connect my tongue to her. The sweet taste of my girl.

"Fuck" I hear her exclaim

I continue to lick through her fold both my hands on her arse to steady myself. I kiss up her arse cheeks and then up her back. My hands roaming until my fingers insert her from behind. I hear her gasp my other hand holding her back down my nails scratching lightly. As I pump in and out with my fingers she moans. She starts to get wetter her legs starting to dip I know she's close.

"Not yet baby" I say through gritted teeth.

"Baby I need to....please" she begs. I pull my fingers from her and line the strap inserting her slowly. I start to pound her from behind. My hands now on her hips fuck she's amazing. A body of a complete goddess.

Leah's PoV

Ellie takes her fingers out of me. I look back as I watch her insert me with the strap.

"Oooohhhh.....fuckkk yes" I moan my hands gripping the edge of the work top. Her hands gripping my hips. She fucks me harder and faster I feel like she's in my stomach. The way she presses me onto the work top puts pressure on me making the experience all the more better.

I feel myself building I need to release. "I'm going to cum" I say through moans.

"No baby you can't unless you beg me" this turns me on even more the need for acceptance to release.

"Baby please.....please let me cum all over your dick" I say knowing this will make her knees go weak.

Her hands grip me harder and then she slaps my arse. "Cum for me baby" and with that I release all over her my legs starting to go shaky. She pulls out of me and turns me around.

"Not finished yet" I takes my hips and lifts me so I'm around her waist carrying me to the balcony which is very secluded so I know we will be fine. She sits me on her lap I slowly insert the strap into my already throbbing pussy. I start to rock at first then nuzzle my head into her neck giving kisses and biting gently. Hey hands roaming my body and her hips thrusting into me. Fuck this feels like heaven. I start to bounce and I moan louder and louder I can feel the cum dripping from me. She latches her mouth on my nipple and sucks then gently biting. I throw my head back in pleasure.

"Baby harder" I beg her as she thrusts into me. I feel like I'm going to cum again being so sensitive. I start to shake and I let out a loud moan.

"Ellliiiieeeee" I moan. I grab her shoulders as I cum all over the strap. I collapse into her. I need a break this girl is going to be the death of me.

I climb off her and we head inside my legs feel like jelly. I head to the bathroom to clean up when I feel hands on me from behind. "Hey baby" I can't help it but smile. I turn round and I'm met with the most luscious lips I kiss her then down her neck biting my way to her breast. Now it's my turn.

Ellie's PoV

As Leah turns round in the shower hey eyes hungry and a darker shade of blue to the usual. She kisses me hard then trails down my neck to my breast. Her hands roaming her mouth connecting to my nipple.

"Ahhh yes" I moan softly

The water falling over us both, Leah flicking her tongue over my erect nipple her hands moaning over my sides she starts to kiss down my stomach biting gently. She pats my legs open and the I watch as she kneels. Her kisses soft over my pussy.

"Leah please.....taste me" I plead I watch as she smirks.

"Tell me again what you need" she says between kisses.

"Baby please....i need to feel you in me" I please through soft moans my body hungry for her.

"Good girl" she whispers before connecting her mouth to my clit sucking gently. Flicking my clit with her tongue as she sucks. She definitely knows how to send me wild. I put my hands through her wet hair and grip hard my leg places up on the bench in the shower. Her tongue now flicks through my folds until she places it deep in me. Her eyes fixated on mine.

"" I moan loudly.

My clit throbbing I need more of her.

"Fuck me baby" I demand through soft moans. I feel Leah's hands grip me. I feel her start to stand up she reaches out of the shower and grabs the strap that's on the side. She places it on and spins me with some force so I'm facing her.

"Kneel" she demands I do as I'm told. She looks at me water dripping over us I've never been so turned on.

"Suck it" she demands. I've never been told to do this before but I do as I'm told I'd do anything for her. I hold her hips and begin to twirl my tongue over the end. Then suck the strap. My eyes locked with Leah's she bites her lip hard. A little moan escapes. I gag a little and I watch as she throws her head back.

"So fucking sexy" she says her hands in my hair. Before long I'm up on my feet. She picks me up and slowly inserts the strap in me. My legs wrapped around her. She pins me to the shower wall. She begins to thrust into me.

"Ooh fuck...harder" I plead and as soon as I say that she does what I say.

Her hands gripping me shoulders as she fucks me harder and fasted our bodies closer than ever. Our lips connected hungry for each other our tongues dancing with me occasionally sucking hers and her biting my lip. She fucks me like never before.

"Leah I'm going to cum" I say in her ear.

"All over baby do it" she growls in my ear. I can't hold it any more.

"Leaaaahhhhh" I scream as I cum all over her my body twitching with pleasure. She pulls out of me and stands me down. We kiss softly.

"This is going to be a long night" she says whilst smiling.

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