The Dinner & Speeches

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Leah's PoV

"Baby this is the best day of my life" I grab hold of Ellie and hold her so tightly before kissing her stomach.

"You are our best creation" I look up and see a little tear in Ellie's eyes.

"We can't say anything yet Leah not till we're 12week....promise" Ellie holds out her pinky and I wrap mine round it a little thing we have always done.

"We should really get down to the party I think it's time for us to make our grande entrance" Ellie smiles.

Soon after we are changed into our second outfit of the night hair redone and makeup patched up from our antics we head down. Ellie looking magnificent in a white suit dress which shows her curves off to a T. I myself in a suit of course I couldn't let my fans down.

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The Dinner

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The Dinner

Ellie's PoV

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honour to introduce you all to the new mrs and mrs Williamson" we hear the MC introduce us.

I grip Leah's hand tight I can't help but smile. As we walk in we do a little dance together everyone cheering and photographs being taken from each direction one from our personal photographer and one from the magazine. As we head to our top table we part and walk round either side. I sit in my seat and Leah rests her hand on my thigh. Now I don't drink so that makes everything easier for me not to have questions asked why I wouldn't be.

As the dinner starts the room is in full swing, people talking and laughing, people from each walks of life the music industry, football, family and friends all interacting and it's amazing. I start to get nervous as I know that the speeches are soon, I'm last as I was the one who said out of myself and Leah would talk. As soon as the food is taken my best friend stands up.

Adele's speech

Hi everyone! I'm Adele and it's time for me to give the speech I frantically scribbled down 15 minutes ago!

First of all, I want to thank all of you for making it here to the beautiful region of Ibiza for the union of our dear Ellie and Leah. When Ellie first told me that she wanted a destination wedding in Ibiza, the first thing I asked was, "Isn't that expensive? What about your guests?" Well, it seems like none of you had any problems getting here!

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