~ Chapter 9 ~

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"What movie do you wanna watch?" I called to Jisung, as I sat in front of the TV, the remote in my hand.

"I don't mind," he called back from the kitchen. "Just pick whatever you want."

So I pointed the remote at the TV and clicked on one of the movies on the screen, not bothering to read the title.

As the opening credits appeared, and the music filled the air, I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I was feeling a lot calmer now than I had felt a couple of days ago, and it was all thanks to Jisung. He'd been my constant companion, keeping me company through my darkest hours, holding me when I cried, and cooking delicious meals for me while I slept. He hadn't pushed me to talk once, which I was very grateful for. More than anything, he'd just ... been there for me, when that's what I needed the most.

Today I was finally feeling better, almost back to my normal self. I had gotten out of bed, had a shower, and agreed to watch a movie with Jisung. I knew that he'd been in the kitchen for a while, too, cooking up another mouth-watering meal for me, and I was looking forward to eating it. It turned out that he was a really good cook -- despite constantly grumbling about the effort involved -- and I was sure that his food was one reason why I had recovered so quickly.

A few minutes later, Jisung emerged from the kitchen, arms full of bowls and plates. He placed them all down on the table and then settled on the lounge beside me, a warm smile on his face.

The food smelt amazing, and after staring at it with wide eyes and licking my lips, I turned to Jisung, giving him a big hug.

"Thanks, Sung, you're the best! I seriously don't deserve all this!"

"Yes you do," he replied seriously. "I'm not about to leave you on your own for days when you're in a fragile mental state-"

"Fragile mental state??" I stopped with the chopsticks halfway to my mouth, staring at my friend, aghast.

He just stared back, his eyebrows lifting in challenge. "Yes. Have you forgotten how I found you two days ago? Cowering under a doona because I opened your bedroom door??"

"Well, it would've been nice to have some warning..." I muttered.

"War-" Jisung stared at me in disbelief. "Lix, I texted you, called you, and knocked on your door. How much more warning do you need??"

"Oh yeah," I mumbled, looking down at my lap in embarrassment. "I forgot..."

We ate in silence for a few minutes, but gradually my mood lifted once more. When I'd eaten enough, I sat back and looked at my best friend.

"I really appreciate what you've done for me, Sung. You're the best friend anyone could have. But I'm sorry you had to look after me instead of partying with the guys..."

"What?? No, I don't care about that! You're more important than them! You don't have to apologise for anything, Lix. Certainly not to me." He was quiet for a minute, before continuing softly, "Maybe you should apologise to Wooyoung, though..."

I gasped as I suddenly realised that I hadn't thought about the dark-haired boy all day. I hid my face in my hands, a wave of guilt washing over me.

"I ruined everything, didn't I?" I groaned.

"No, you didn't."

"I did! He's never gonna want to talk to me again now!" I wailed.

"Lix... Felix!" Jisung grabbed my hands, gently but firmly, pulling them down off my face. "Look at me."

I reluctantly looked into his eyes.

"Wooyoung does want to talk to you -- trust me. Look -- I didn't tell you this before, because I didn't think you were ready. But Wooyoung called you two days ago -- not long after I got here."

Woo Me, Wooyoung ~ WooLixWhere stories live. Discover now