~ Chapter 18 ~

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As I gaped at Wooyoung in surprise, he fished in his pocket and pulled out a bunch of keys. Fitting one into the lock, he swung open the door, the little bell tingling merrily. He beckoned me inside as he held the door open for me.

As soon as I walked into the café, I heard a mad scramble followed by the hurried pitter-patter of tiny paws. The next thing I knew, a bundle of fur had launched itself into my arms. It landed against my chest with such force that I had to take a step backwards, or I would've ended up sprawled on the floor.

I laughed heartily. "Hey, Pepi! I missed you too!"

I somehow managed to get the little dog under control as I made my way over to my favourite table, near the window. Sitting down with Pepi on my lap, I looked around to see where Wooyoung had gone.

I immediately spotted him behind the counter, making something with the coffee machine. He looked up at that moment, and winked at me. I blushed and looked back down at Pepi, who was quickly falling asleep as I gently stroked her fur.

Soon, Wooyoung appeared by my side and placed two mugs on the table. He said, "I'll just go and let the dogs out," before walking off to the other end of the café. I watched as he opened a little gate in the low wall surrounding the dogs' special area. A few seconds later, seven dogs happily bounded through the gate; they looked perplexed, but thoroughly happy to be let out again.

Wooyoung closed the gate, then walked back to our table and sat down opposite me.

"Happy?" he asked me with a smile and a tilt of the head.

I beamed back. "Yes - thank you! But why is no one here? I swear the café was open when we were here earlier..."

He nodded. "Yeah, it was, but it closes early on Sundays, so I knew we'd have the place to ourselves."

I picked up my drink, smiling at the stylised heart drawn in the froth, and took a generous sip. "Mmm, this is so good I'm gonna die!"

The dark-haired boy suddenly looked panicked, and he swiftly leaned forward, grabbing my hand.

"Please don't!" he begged, worry creasing his beautiful features. "I haven't..."

I gazed into his eyes, my laughter dying on my lips. "I ... haven't ..." he faltered, getting lost in my eyes. My curiosity eventually won out and I put my head on the side, asking, "Haven't what, Woo?"

Wooyoung broke himself out of his trance and smiled self-consciously for a moment. Then he seemed to gather himself and gave me a smile full of his usual confidence and cheekiness.

"I haven't given you this yet," he said, producing a small box out of his pocket and passing it to me.

I stared at it in astonishment. I hadn't expected anything like this at all. I mean, we'd only known each other for, what, two weeks?

My brain was barely functioning, so instead of saying anything, I just stared at the box in my hand, then slowly opened it. Inside were two matching rings. Still speechless, I picked one up reverently and held it in my hand, marvelling at the way the light reflected off it. It was made with two silver strands, twisting around each other with no end.

I looked at Wooyoung, flabbergasted. My mouth opened, but nothing came out, my brain still thrashing around helplessly, like a beached whale.

He chuckled softly, his eyes turning into crescents, as he reached forward and took the ring out of my unresisting hand. Sliding it onto my finger, he then wrapped my hands in his warm ones, rubbing his thumbs over my skin in a comforting gesture.

"It's okay, Lix, I know it may feel like a lot, but I really wanted to give this to you now, rather than wait. It doesn't mean we have to rush into anything, though. We can still go on dates and get to know each other properly before we move to the next step.

Woo Me, Wooyoung ~ WooLixWhere stories live. Discover now