~ Chapter 10 ~

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I breathed a sigh of relief as I sat down in the staff room, leaning back against the wall. It had been a busy morning so far - practically all the tables were full, and I'd been run off my feet making drinks and serving customers since I started my shift.

I wasn't due for a break yet, but I'd slipped out of sight after my last customer, needing to rest my aching feet for a minute. I closed my eyes, a smile soon lighting up my face as I felt my phone in my pocket. Getting it out, I quickly unlocked it and stared transfixed at the message I'd received from Felix a short while ago.

Cutie freckled boy 🥰

Hi Wooyoung. Sorry for not being in touch the last few days. I wasn't feeling too good. But I'm better now, so I'll be coming to the café today. See you soon, Felix. 🤗

I clicked on the screen to send a reply, but just then, I heard the boss calling my name. Shoot, I thought. I quickly shoved my phone back in my pocket and headed out the door. Ah well, I'll be seeing him soon anyway.

As I got out to the counter, my boss appeared, looking annoyed.

"Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you!"

"Sorry, I just had to get something out of my bag..."

He eyed me suspiciously, then harumphed. "Well, leave it til your break, next time. There are customers waiting, you know!"

I gave an apologetic bow and hurried over to the coffee machine, where I could see a couple of orders waiting to be filled. My boss and I had never been on the best of terms, despite the fact that I'd worked there for less than three months, and was definitely a better worker than the other two guys. He just didn't like me, for some reason.

Most of the time, it wasn't an issue, 'cause he didn't come into the café much. It was just a pity that he'd decided to drop in on a particularly busy day, when he could crack the whip at every opportunity. This was going to be a long day.

As I added some cream to a cappuccino, I heard the tingling of the front door bell, but I didn't pay it any attention, as it had been tingling every few minutes all morning. But while I was putting the cup and saucer on a tray, I saw Pepi out of the corner of my eye, making a bee-line for the other side of the café.

I stopped what I was doing for a minute, following the little dog curiously with my eyes. She soon came to a stop at one of the tables by the window, and was immediately hoisted off the floor by a very familiar pair of hands. I gasped as my eyes travelled upwards and landed on none other than Felix's face.

A grin broke out on my face as I watched the blonde boy cuddling Pepi, and a huge wave of relief settled over me. I hadn't seen Felix for three days - not since I asked him out to dinner, and he literally ran away in response - and I'd been worried sick ever since.

My phone call with Felix's friend, Jisung, had calmed me down a bit, but as the days wore on and there was still no word from the freckled cutie, my fear had spiked again. Where was he? What was going through his mind? And why wasn't I there to comfort him?

Now, as I saw the happiness on his face, and the warmth being shared between him and his little canine friend, it was as if the sun had come out, bathing the world in a soft, golden glow.

My little slice of heaven was rudely interrupted, though, when I saw one of the other waiters approaching Felix's table. My eyes went wide, but there was nothing I could do; I was in the middle of making someone's latte, and the guy was already greeting Felix with a smile and flipping his notepad open seductively.

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