~Do you Love Me?~

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"This is not fair!" I shrieked once everyone had left the party.

"I am sorry but it was our last choice," Mrs. Carter cooed in my ear. Tears stained my eyes as I thought of everything I would miss.

"What my options?" I asked Mrs. Carter.

"You have to stay with him, married I mean, for at least five years," she sighed. I could clearly tell she didn't like the idea either. I mean why me! I am nothing special, I am a lazy, hyper, stupidly smart teenage girl!

"When is the wedding?" I asked.

"Two weeks," she mumbled. I started to cry uncontrollably and Mrs. Carter led me into the house. Asher was standing in the doorway watching his mother lead me into the house. When he saw me cry I swore I saw hut in his eyes.


Grandpa pulled the truck up to a small cottage just a little way from home.

"Welcome home kids!" Grandpa exclaimed as he stepped out of the truck.The cottage he referred to as 'home' was a one floor wooden thingy that really didn't look like a house. More like a shed. A shed covered in viney plants. A monster shed.

"Asher!" I called.

"What!" he snapped.

"Get my bags I am going in,"  i smiled. He started to argue but grandpa interrupted him.

"Back in my day we cherished our women and didn't let them move a finger," I didn't stay to hear the rest.  *

When you first stepped into the cottage you were in the kitchen and a living room. The furniture was old but there was a lot of it. Thanks gosh there was food in the kitchen! NO FUDGING T.V THOUGH!

Further into the cottage was a bedroom. Two closets, one vanity, one dresser and one bed were all in the room. Wait.... one bed! Sh*t F*ck!

Lastly there was a bathroom. No one cares about the bathroom.

"Kyra!" Asher called from the living room. I walked out and grabbed my bag from his arms and walked back into the bedroom. Unfortunately he followed me in. We awkwardly unpacked our things into our separate closets.

"So..." I heard him mumble.

"What are we going to do?" I asked, turning around to face him. My hands were on my hips and I was biting my lip.

"Get married," he sighed.

"Stop acting like it's all a joke!" I yelled.

"What if it is?" he shouted back.

"If it was my grandparents would not have bought this shack!" I hollered.

"Okay, maybe it isnt a joke!" he threw his hands up in the air. "But we are stuck together for the next five years so either learn to put up with me or learn to love me."

My lip quivered and tears built up in my eyes. I knew I was about to cry so I ran out of the room. Reality hit me harder this time and I crashed on the couch. Curling my knees into my chest, then came more tears. Asher never did come out of the bed room for a few minutes. Once he did he sat beside me and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned onto his chest.

Any other day I would have hit him, but today was different. Today I needed someone to hold me.

"Will you ever grow to love me?" Asher asked.

"Maybe," I mumbled as I calmed down. "Do you want me to love you?"

"Very much so, maybe that way it will be easier for you," he sighed as he rested his head on my hair. His cool breathe on the top of my head gave me chills.

"Do you love me?" I asked after building up courage.

"Always have," he stated.

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