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The bell rang. Children swarmed into the corridors. So far, Phoenix and Aurora have had a wonderful day. The first two periods they had English with Miss Rose. The next two periods they had Maths with a relief teacher who they had fun. They were proud that they managed to prank the unsuspecting teacher, and not get caught. 

And now it was the interval. Four more classes to go and they were done for the day. Now, it was time to play Phoenix and Aurora's favourite game of "Annoying your sisters". As they were in the cafeteria, they scanned their surroundings for their sisters. Who would be their victim today? Usually, Alora was first on the list. Unfortunately, they got to know that she was spending the interval at the library. No doubt hiding away from Phoenix and Aurora. After some thinking, they decided to annoy Kiara. It was surprising that Kiara was in the cafeteria. Usually, she spent all her free time in the computer lab, who knows doing what.

"Hey, Kiara," said Phoenix, as she and Aurora walked towards Kiara. "Howda do?"

"Leave me alone you two," replied Kiara. "I am busy." 

Kiara was discussing something with Kevin and typing something busily on the computer. Kevin was Daniel and Andrew's older brother. He was in Kiara's class, and he was Kiara's computer buddy. Like Daniel and Andrew, he had brown wavy hair, but he had dark brown observing eyes. Like Kiara, he was annoyed by Daniel and Andrew.

"Ahh...Don't get mad," said Phoenix. "We're just here to say hi"

"Are those two with you?" was Kevin's first question.

"Well, no..." Aurora replied, but she was cut off by someone else's voice.

"Hey, brother!" said Daniel as he and Andrew walked towards them. 

"Miss us?" Andrew asked.

"Great...Just what I needed," muttered Kevin.

"Look, we don't have time for your silly games or whatever nonsense you're doing. Just leave us alone, okay?" said Kiara.

"Ah... But you always have time for us," said Aurora.

"Plus...," Phoenix was saying when an idea suddenly struck her. She looked at Aurora and they both came to a silent agreement. 

"Look, we'll leave you alone if you help us with something," said Aurora.

"We will?" the boys asked but Phoenix shot them a look and they reluctantly shut up. Kiara and Kevin exchanged looks. 

"Is this our only option?" she asked, desperately. She didn't need to be an expert to know that whatever Phoenix and Aurora were up to, it could cost her detention or maybe worse.

"Well, unless you want to hang out with us, which would be even more fun," said Aurora.

"We would like the second option better," Daniel spoke up.

"Alright, fine," Kiara agreed. She'd rather get detention than 'hang out' with these two.

"Yeah, great choice. Enjoy," said Kevin. He grabbed his stuff and dashed off for safety.

"Traitor!" shouted Kiara. "I'll kill you in class."

"Great!" said Phoenix, grinning cunningly. "All you have to do is..." 

Before she could tell, the bell rang. Everyone started going back to their classes.

"Saved by the bell!" Kiara muttered. "Well, as much as I'd love to help, my class starts now. Bye!" With that, she dashed off.

"Great! Another amazing plan was destroyed because of a stupid bell," grumbled Phoenix as they started to go back to class.

"Well, on the bright side, Kevin is going to get killed, right?" said Daniel. "We better get to class before we're late or else..." 

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