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"I'm so sleepy," Phoenix groaned as she and Aurora went downstairs for breakfast.

It was Monday morning, and everyone in the house looked extremely sleepy and tired. Phoenix and Aurora had stayed up late the previous night, watching a movie so they hadn't had enough sleep.

"Do I have to go to school today?" Karla asked their mother, as Phoenix and Aurora entered the dining room.

"Karla, you ask me this question every morning, and my answer remains the same. Yes," their mother replied, as she arranged the table for breakfast.

"Morning Mummy," Phoenix and Aurora greeted their mother.

"Morning, dears," Mrs. Gardener said. "I'm amazed you're awake. I thought I'd have to come and wake you up."

"What can we say, mother. We are just curious students who have a keen interest in going to school and learning," Phoenix said, as she sat down at the table to eat.

Mrs. Gardener looked at them and raised her eyebrow. Then she smiled and continued with her work.

"Mummy, is breakfast ready? I'm getting late for school," Izel said, entering the kitchen. "Mmmm... Something smells good."

"Yes, breakfast is ready," Mrs. Gardner replied. "Come and sit down. But wait till the rest of your sisters come."

"But Mummy," Izel grumbled. "I'm gonna get late. Plus, do you think that I can resist the smell of your delicious food?" 

"Yes, I think you can," Mrs. Gardner replied.

Izel tried to take one of the waffles, but her mom pushed her hand away. Izel looked at the waffles longingly, then distracted herself by taking out her phone.

"Hey, did you two see the new flyer that Ms. Camerson sent," Izel asked Phoenix and Aurora.

"What flyer?" Aurora asked, confused.

"The one about the auditions to the play," Izel specified.

"Oh, that one," Phoenix said. "We told you, we auditioned for that. We didn't get selected."

Karla choked on her breakfast smoothie.

"You didn't get selected?" Karla asked in mock amazement. "Wow, you guys are pretty-"

She stopped herself, seeing their mother's dead stare. Their mom had probably got to know about their failure.

"I know you didn't get selected in the first one," Izel said. "But they are auditioning again. Two of the main characters have left the play. One is down with pneumonia, and the other migrated. So, you have a chance of being in the play."

Phoenix and Aurora didn't look as excited as Izel hoped they would be.

"What's wrong?" Izel asked, seeing their faces.

"We don't think there's a point of going to the second audition," Aurora replied, trying to hide the sadness in her voice. "We didn't get selected in the first audition because we weren't good enough, right? What is the possibility that we will get selected in the second?" 

"Hey, don't say that," Izel said, comfortingly. "Do you have any idea how many plays I haven't been selected to?"

"Izzy, you're the drama queen at school," Aurora said.

"Exactly, even this amazing drama queen hasn't been selected for some plays," Izel said. "Don't give up so easily. If you love what you do. You'll keep trying till there's nothing left to try."

"I don't know. What if it's a waste of time?" Aurora asked, doubtfully.

"Look, I'm not going to tell you what to do," Izel replied. "But it is your choice whether to just let this opportunity pass, and regret it later. Or to make the maximum use out of it and enjoy the result."

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