Stars around Scars

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Just as she said,
You drew Stars around my Scars,
You drew a white lining
            around my black heart.
You drew Suns around my darkest Nights.
You drew Snowflakes around my
                 Dry days.
Coz you always see the world,
and always have seen
with your Rose Coloured Glasses...
That painted my darkest paths into
      A Rose Garden with soft petals beneath....

But why does the same Glasses get it's cracks
all over when you needed someone?
Why does your Rose Coloured Glasses looses
it's sight when you have problems?
And when you're crying, why does the broken pieces
of your glasses strike your heart ?,
       Is it to grow some roses from the strike?
               Or to cut the Rose Saplings?
You always gave me ideas, Love...
And when it's you in my place,
You left with no ideas...

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