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In the depths of a broken soul
Lies a missing piece, a gaping hole
A chunk of heart, torn and lost
Leaving behind a soul, tempest tossed

Once it beat with joy and love
But now it cries, like a wounded dove
For that missing piece, it longs and aches
But no one hears, no one takes

The lost chunk of the heart, a void so deep
A wound that's raw, a pain that seeps
Into every fiber, every vein
Leaving behind a never-ending pain

It could have been stolen, or simply misplaced
But the emptiness it left cannot be erased
For it held memories, both sweet and sour
And now it's gone, in the hands of an unknown power

Some say time can heal all wounds
But this one seems to defy the rules
For the lost chunk of the heart, it holds the key
To a love that was once so free

It's a constant ache, a constant yearn
For that missing piece, the heart does burn
But maybe one day, it will be found
And the heart will once again, leap and bound

Until then, the lost chunk of the heart
Will be a reminder, of a love that fell apart
But maybe, just maybe, it will be restored
And the heart will beat, like never before.


The Lost Chunk Of MyocardiumWhere stories live. Discover now