Girl's Heart

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A girl's heart, a precious thing
Full of love and joy, it'll surely bring
A world of emotions, so deep and true
It's a canvas of colors, ever-changing hue

In her heart lies a garden of dreams
Where she wanders in fields and streams
Each petal a wish, each flower a hope
Her heart knows no bounds, it's free to scope

But within this garden, there's also pain
A thorn here and there, a tear like rain
For a girl's heart is fragile, it easily breaks
But she gathers the pieces, and her strength it makes

In her heart, there's a room for love
A special place for that special dove
She'll give her all, without hesitation
For her heart knows the power of affection

But beware, for a girl's heart can also hurt
If you play with it, it'll be torn apart
Handle it with care, for it's a delicate thing
And in return, her heart will forever sing

For a girl's heart is a beautiful sight
A beacon of hope, a guiding light
It's a treasure to cherish, a gift so rare
Handle it with love, and you'll always care

So here's to a girl's heart, so pure and true
May it always be filled with love, and never feel blue
For it's the beating of her soul, the essence of her being
A girl's heart, a precious thing worth seeing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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