Chapter 1: The Newborn

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"When darkness threatens to consume the world, the chosen will come to cleanse creation through fire and blood."


Inside the dimly lit chambers, the screaming woman, lying on her back, could give no more.

"Your highness, please hold on. The baby is almost out," the oldest of the midwives said.

A grit of her teeth, with panting breaths, she pulled hard at the ropes atop her and then...

A baby's cry

On the first hour of the first day of the year of the Shepherd, the second son of the King of Athena(1), was born into an era of warfare.

The cool winds from the river Athena blew in through the window as the prince took his first breath. As his tiny hands started to explore the new world, the midwives sighed in relief, because after 10 hours of labor, the prince was born healthy, and the king's favorite concubine had lived through the birthing. The mothers of the king's three other children had not been so lucky and neither were their midwives. The prince had already saved their lives from the rugged looking man in armor who was staring, in a still manner, with a hand on his large blade. The King's words echoed in the mind of this man called Thrasus – "If any harm should come to her, kill them."

Thrasus, the bodyguard of the king's favorite concubine, show no emotion as he came over to inspect the prince. As he stared into the black eyes of the new prince, he picked him up and sensed not fear but curiosity. This child stopped crying as he stared back.

"My lord, our prince is born healthy. We must spread the good news," one of the waiting ladies said, clearly nervous of the large man.

"My lord, the prince," she said again and gestured at Thrasus, then

A splatter of blood

The lady in waiting screamed at the sight of the arrow piercing Thrasus' shoulder. It had come from the window from the south beyond the walls. There was commotion outside.

A hundred archers were shooting their arrows into the residence from the south and one had found its way in through the window. Sounds of struggles were heard throughout the residence as the insurgents broke through the outer gates and searched for their prize. The house guards, outnumbered, were clashing with these insurgents. The commander of the house guards, Sylia, burst into the room, bloody.

---Preview of Next Chapter---

Alarm! Alarm!! Alarm!!! Mobilize the guards! The castle is under attack! But is it too late? Who is attacking? How many attackers? What of the newborn? So many questions answered on the next chapter of From Fire and Blood Ch 2- Akhilia the Prince! 


1. Athena: City at the genesis of the River Athena (Not the same as Athena from a Hellenistic context)


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