Chapter 13: Through the Lake Artemis

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A long column of men and horses, three abreast, were marching through a narrow trail hidden, from moonlight, by the dense vegetation and cloudy skies. A few rows of horsemen in, wearing a torn grey robe, Sylia looked beyond the torches and lanterns into what seemed like eternal darkness. In it he saw ghouls and abominations waiting for them. Then he heard a howl and saw the more realistic wild animals, and enemies waiting in ambush. But several years of military field experience had taught him of these tricks of the mind. He needed to filter out these thoughts, suppress his emotions, and trust the people who were better at this than him. He was still a young commander who knew little of pathfinding let alone through these woods.

The young pregnant woman riding besides Sylia seemed from a different world. Beautiful in flesh and dress, her bulged stomach revealed her pregnancy. She did not belong here; that much was obvious.

Under her dress, anxious, and shivering, it was as if her heart was beating out of her chest.

"How to calm her down?" Sylia thought. She was his honorary sister-in-law after all; besides being the

only person with experience keeping a child alive. If she survived, so would his nephew Akhilia.

Sylia offered her his robe and asked, "The night is cold sister. Please keep warm."

The pregnant woman took the robes and wrapped it over her beautiful red dress yet his voice seemed to do nothing to relieve the nervousness from her face. Sylia worked up a smile for her and tried again and said, "The scouting patterns are comprehensive, and our company commander is a reliable man. There is nothing to fear."

She looked at him with those nervous eyes and said, "It is not what is that inspires my fear, it is what will be. It is the burden of knowledge - of what's out there, this child, what is after him, and what will happen if we fail. Strategus gave it to me so I may fear - for me, the prince, and my unborn child."

Sylia asked, "What did he tell you?"

She replied, "that the life of this child is more important than mine, his, and of his unborn child. That it is better for me to die than to fail."

Sylia kept up his smile and said, "We will not fail sister. This is a chance for you to earn merit with the king. If you are the woman who saved the prince, adulation and rewards are only the beginning."

He pointed to her belly and said, "Your family will earn a large estate and your children will live in luxury."

The pregnant woman nodded slightly and said, "He kicks a lot now. I think he is due soon."

"He? How do you know it's a boy," Sylia asked.

"Strategus' family has only produced boys for generations and accepts only boys. They would shun me if I bore a girl, although a girl would be so wonderful," she replied.

Sylia replied, "Yes of course. I will make sure all of us will get out of this alive. And when we make it through this and if you end up bearing a girl I will make sure she is taken care of."

The rider riding besides them yawned loudly and said, "I apologize, my lady, something in my throat."

"Perhaps a hint of resentment", Sylia thought.

Sylia said, "Are you alright commander Pilio? Take some water," as he handed him his water pouch.

Pilio replied, "I will be fine, oh Sylia the swift. My scouts tell me of a lake close-by. A night this dark bodes ill omen for travelers. Perhaps we should make camp for the night."

Sylia said, "No. We must get through to Athena. We must get the child to safety."

Pilio sighed and replied, "The men aren't built like you. Without rest we will start falling one by one," as he eyed at the shivering pregnant woman just barely holding on. He reached out and grabbed the pregnant woman's hand to prevent her from falling. Then he continued, "We have been on the move for two days without stopping. They need water and they need to rest or we won't survive the journey - especially my sister."

"Sister?" Sylia thought as he tried to hide his surprise. Why did Strategus not mention this before? Just then he started to notice the hostility from the men around him. He raised his voice abit and said, "You are correct commander. Let the men rest till daylight. We make camp for the night."

Pilio continued, "Very well. I shall recall my scouts and secure this area. My men will lead you closer to the lake where we will camp for the night. If you slip and fall in, the mud will swallow you whole. So please only step where others have already."

With two sharp whistles from Pilio, the whole column halted. After a few moments, some men rode up to Pilio and they went on into the forest. Behind Sylia, the men were moving in all directions. One more whistle later the men at the front turned, gestured at Sylia with a nod, and started moving into the woods to the right. Sylia and the pregnant woman followed the men into the darkness.

---Preview of Next Chapter---

Ominous foreboding fills the air travelling through the lake Artemis. What troubles await in the darkness? Find out on the next chapter of From Fire and Blood - Ch14 !


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