8- The Boy Who Lived

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[Later back in the Leaky Cauldron, Hagrid and Harry, are at a long table, eating soup. Everything is too quiet, Hagrid soon notices this.]

"You all right, Harry? You seem very quiet." Hagrid questions the quiet boy.

"He killed my parents, didn't he? The one who gave me this. You know, Hagrid. I know you do." Harry questions the large man with sad green eyes.

People wince at the tone of his voice and the sad look in his eyes, people in the hall give him looks full of pity which makes him annoyed and uncomfortable.

The Greek are wondering if this is the same bad man that people have previously spoken about.

Hagrid sighs and pushes his bowl away, "First, and understand this, Harry, 'cause it's very important. Not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad. A few years ago, there was one wizard who went as bad as you can go. And his name was V-...his name was V-..." Hagrid tries to say the evil name.

"He's not going to say it." Someone in the hall denies.

"Maybe if you wrote it down?" Harry suggests after seeing the man struggling to say it.

"No, I can't spell it. All right." Hagrid denies before quietly saying the name, "Voldemort."

People in the hall flinch, except Harry, Valentina, Dumbledore, and the Greeks who fought against worse.

"Voldemort?" Harry looks confused as he says the name.

[Hagrid shushes the boy which makes Harry look around to see if anyone heard him.]

Hagrid starts speaking as the screen darkens, "It was dark times, Harry, dark times."

[We flash over to a flashback on the night at Godric's hollow, consisting off a cloaked man walking towards a house, breaking in with his wand, and proceeding to terrorize. Hagrid narrates.]

Harry looks uncomfortable seeing his families home being invaded by Voldemort, he sinks further into his seat.

Val glances at Harry to see him uncomfortable, which she can understand as she knows how this scene is going to end. Her hair streaks with gray and blue for her brother.

"Voldemort started to gather some followers, brought 'em over to the dark side. Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead. Your parents fought against him, but nobody lived once he decided to kill 'em."

The Greeks are starting to understand a little why this man is feared in the terms of the mortals, while Hades glares at the man on screen sensing his fractured soul that he's using to avoid Thanatos.

[Harry's mother, Lily, screams in pain as she is killed by Voldemort's wand. Green flashes are seen from the windows outside the house. Then, we see Voldemort pointing his wand at an infant Harry Potter's head.]

Everyone flinches at the sound of Lily's scream, especially Harry as his mothers scream will never escape his mind.

The hall is extremely quiet as they uncomfortably watch the screen.

"Nobody, not one. 'Cept you." We flash back to the present time as Hagrid finishes telling Harry.

"Me? Voldemort tried to kill me?" Harry is shocked that someone tried to kill him.

"Yes. That ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead, Harry. A mark like that only comes from being touched by a curse, and an evil curse at that." Hagrid tells the boy more about his scar, which he was always told was from hitting himself in the face with a toy when he was a child.

"A cursed scar." Narcissa Malfoy mutters under her breath, as her face pales recognizing it. Draco looks at his mother when he hears her mutter, he's surprised and worried when he see's the paleness of her face and the fear in her eyes.

He quietly asks her whats wrong but she quickly recovers herself to not give anything away, while she continues to think. She quickly and quietly assures Draco that she's alright. Which he doesn't completely believe but lets go.

Harry hesitates to ask Hagrid more about the man who murdered his parents, "What happened to V... to You-Know-Who?"

Ron tries to make a joke to lighten the mood, "The only time he's said that name." He achieves that when Harry, Hermione, and Val chuckle from where they are sitting. The room is a little lighter now with the laughter of the three.

Percy and Annabeth smile at their girlfriend at the sound of her laughter, the gray of her hair is lighter now.

"Well, some say he died. Codswallop in my opinion. Nope, I reckon he's out there still, too tired to carry on. But one thing's absolutely certain. Something about you stumped him that night. That's why yer famous. That's why everybody knows yer name. You're the boy who lived." Hagrid denies Voldemort's death before telling Harry about his title in their world.

A screech sound through the room, "LIES! He's dead!" Umbitch's annoying voice hurts everyone's ears. Majority just ignore her.

Hestia speaks up, "Why don't we all take a quick break." Everyone agrees as the room is still very tense. Val quickly goes to check on Harry after that flashback. While the Greeks discuss what they were just shown and talk about Voldemort.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry that it's so short and crappy. (This chapter was from over a month ago so sorry about that.)

Sooo....I'm back. Sorta but I'm back for now! I hope everyone had fun during the holidays and new year. Time is passing by so fast.

I missed writing so much. So many new story ideas have popped up that I had to write them down and I've been a little hyper fixated on certain new ideas. (I've finally done my damn laundry and the dang dishes after days.) But I'm currently back.

If you see any spelling or grammar mistakes, please let me know so I can fix them.

If you have any questions, let me know!

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