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The great hall was filled with the sounds of life. The cacophony of a mix of voices, laughter, creaking benches, and scrapping of silverware. The Ravenclaw table quietly speaks to each other while the Hufflepuff table is normally lively. However, they are silently mourning the loss of their own. The Slytherin table is quietly whispering about the Dark Lord. Lastly, the Gryffindor table is by far the loudest, with people laughing and talking to each other from down the table.

Near the middle of the table sat a group of 4 students, Hermione and Ron sat across from Harry and Valentina. Hermione looked worriedly at him, quietly moving his food around before looking at Valentina, who sat next to Harry. She was quietly eating. Her movements were precise as she stared down at her food, not making eye contact with the others. Her hair is absent of the streaks of color through her silky light brown, which showed her emotions.

Hermione nudges Ron, making him grunt before looking at her with his mouth full, questioning. She tilts her head to the silent two of the group. He looks where motioned. Swallowing, "Are you two alright?"

Valentina looks up from her food and gives her friends a beautiful smile, "I'm wonderful. Why would I not be?" Harry just hums in agreement while rubbing the back of his scarred hand.

Before either of their friends can argue, the door to the great hall bursts open, making everyone look over. There stands Amelia Bones, the minister of magic; Cornelius Fudge, some aurors like Mad Eye Moody and Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, a black dog; Padfoot, the Malfoys, the Weasley’s, Eleanor Allen; Valentina's stepmother, and Elliott Allen; Valentina's uncle.

When Padfoot sees Harry, he runs over and jumps at him, which makes the boy smile; relieving his friends, not liking when the boy is upset.

Dumbledore stands up to greet the guests, "Welcome, It's a pleasure. However, may I ask why you are all here?"

"We all received a letter telling us to come here immediately." Amelia Bones tells the man.

"We never sent out any letters, Madam Bones." McGonagall tells the woman, which makes everyone else more alert and everyone anxious. Some people pull out their wands, but Valentina's hand reaches for her bracelet.

There is a flash of light and standing in the room is a large group of people which makes everyone on edge and pointing their wands at the people. "What is the meaning of this?!" A booming voice speaks as thunder and lighting crack outside. The only ones not very nervous are the Allen family, but everything is so chaotic that no one notices the calm family.

Valentina stands up, which gathers some attention from those around her. Walking towards the group of strangers, which gains the rest of the rooms attention, including the new people.

They call out to her with smiles. She hugs some of the teenager, which shocks her friends, as they forget that she has friends from her summer camp. She sometimes mentions them, but she doesn't ever tell much about them. Her hair shines with vibrant streaks of yellow and pink, showing the happiness and love she has for the group.

A woman steps forward from the group that radiated power, She's absolutely beautiful, making the room in awe of her.

She holds Valentina's cheek softly, smiling at the girl. "Hello dear." Recognizing the woman, Eleanor Allen purses her lips at the woman's history with her family.

"Hi, mum." It's soft enough that only those around them can hear them, not wanting to stir up chaos.

The reunion between mother and daughter is cut short by the appearance of three women. Their appearance made those who knew the women tense.

"We are the fates." Which makes those who know about Greek mythology nervous while those who didn't just looked at them in confusion.

"We are here to unite two worlds through two separate heroes who are connected by one person." This makes Valentina tense up as the streaks turn into light grayish purple, those who know about her glance at her tense form. Percy squeezes her hand while Annabeth squeezes Val's arm in reassurance.

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