Chapter Two

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Aimsey watched with widened eyes. An alien? There was no way. The closest aliens lived about three planets out. How did this alien get here? Why were they out here?

Aimsey examined the alien, noting that she had four magenta-colored eyes and had webbed hands, as well as magenta colored antennae. Their hair was a bright pink, and they wore turqoise-colored clothing. Their clothing, in honesty, seemed pretty generic.

"Who are you?" Scott scowled. Aimsey noticed the hesitation as the alien shifted their feet backwards, a bit away from the security guards. But, what Aimsey also noticed is that she seemed to be hurt. They were slightly clenching their left side, and they were putting weight on their right leg.

"Give us your name, alien." Scott hissed, "alien" harshly rolling off his tongue. The alien still said nothing; probably terrified by being surrounded by a bunch of people pointing guns at them. "Give me your name now, or else I'll electrocute you and throw you into our prison!" Scott threatened, raising his gun. That gun didn't even electrocute people, but Aimsey knew it did worse. There's no way he'll do that. Aimsey's mind flared. Except, they knew Scott. He absolutely would.

"Wait!" Aimsey yelled out, rushing out of their hiding spot. They scrambled onto the mysterious ship, and stood in front of the alien. Eyes were now all on them, including Scott's, which sparkled with anger.

"Get out of the way, Aimee." Scott snapped. Aimsey slightly flinched, yet didn't move a muscle.

"Threatening them isn't going to get anywhere, Scott. You're scaring them." Aimsey told Scott. Scott lowered his gun, yet kept his mouth shut. That's how Aimsey knew they were right, and Scott didn't want to admit it. "They're also hurt." Aimsey pointed out.

"They're right." A voice murmured, which Aimsey recognized as Oli's. "We immediately threatened them, but they don't seem like a threat." Oli said to Scott. Scott huffed in response.

Aimsey turned to the alien. She seemed slightly relieved by the save, yet still frightened.

 "What's your name, and how'd you get here?" They kindly asked with a softened tone of voice.

"I'm Guqqie, from the planet Astronomous. I had gotten lost and... and my ship had malfunctioned and crashed... here." They explained. Aimsey turned to the security guards.

"See? Not a threat, like Oli said." Aimsey said, an awkward smile. They suddenly felt small under Scott, who was glaring daggers. Aimsey could tell that he was not buying it.

"That doesn't prove anything. They could be lying." Scott grumbled. "But, they haven't done anything threatening... thus, we'll let them stay for some time anyway. We'll get her healed up, and get that ship repaired so she can leave." He said. Aimsey's knew that Scott wasn't going to be very generous, though. He was probably going to throw her into a small room, if she was lucky. The most likely option, though?


They turned back to this Guqqie person, who softly smiled.

"Thank you." They whispered, a voice so soft and quiet that it didn't even slightly echo throughout the room.

"Don't mention it." Aimsey whispered back, feeling a bit bad about knowing that they'll be thrown into a jail cell. "Now, let's help you down." Aimsey said.


Aimsey had later found Guqqie where they had feared to find her; behind bars. Even though they barely knew them; they still felt really bad.

They approached the cell, before crouching in front of it. Next to them was some first aid equipment. They had brought it so they could help Guqqie with her injury, because Aimsey knew that the doctors had probably only done the minimum to help with the injury, whatever it was.

Guqqie was shying away in the back right corner. Yet, when she saw Aimsey, her ears perked and she hesitantly slid over to Aimsey.

"Hello." Aimsey softly greeted.

"Hello." Is the quiet response given.

"I realized I never really introduced myself. I'm Aimsey, and, well... I'm the younger brother of the jerk that put you in here." Aimsey introduced, sighing. "Sorry about him, by the way. We usually don't throw guests into prison." They attempted to joke. Guqqie softly smiled.

"It's okay. I understand, since I'm considered an intruder." She reasoned.

"You were basically cleared up, though. You didn't do anything wrong. I mean, you did crash into our landing port, I guess, but obviously it wasn't intentional. That's not an excuse for you to be thrown in here." Aimsey ranted, before gazing at a slightly startled Guqqie. "Sorry. It's just not fair for you." Aimsey apologized.

"No, it's okay. It's just... you barely even know me. How do you know I'm not a threat? And.. why are you basically protecting me?" Guqqie asked.

"Well, if you were planning on attacking, you most likely would've attacked when you landed. You were too hesitant when Scott threatened you." Aimsey explained, forgetting to answer the second question.

"Wow. You're... observational." Guqqie murmured.

"Well, am I right about you not planning on attacking?" Aimsey asked, looking at Guqqie.

"Well, I mean, yeah..." Guqqie mumbled. Aimsey knew that anybody could say that, but they believed Guqqie. "Who's Scott?" Guqqie questioned.

"Oh, my older brother. You know, the jerk..." Aimsey reminded.

"Oh, him." Guqqie recalled.

Then, the two sat there in silence for an elongated and dragged out moment.

Eventually, Aimsey broke the silence.

"Hey, I know that the doctors probably didn't patch you up very well. Would you like me to take care of that?" They offered. Guqqie blinked.

"The doctors?" She questioned.

"You know, like the guys that fix your injury." Aimsey explained.

"Oh, you mean healers." Guqqie corrected.

"Err.. yeah, sure." Aimsey said. Is that what aliens call them? Aimsey questioned to themself. They wouldn't be surprised, if there were different terms.

"Yeah, that.. that would be nice." Guqqie admitted. Aimsey nodded, and grabbed the small med kit. It would be kind of hard to help Guqqie with healing, since there was a set of bars between the two, but Aimsey would make it work.

"Alright. Let me see how bad it is." Aimsey muttered. Guqqie showed Aimsey the injury, which was a big plasmablast wound in their side. It didn't seem too severe, though; it seemed like it had grazed their side. Still, though, it was pretty bad. Oh my god. They didn't even patch her up! Aimsey's mind flared. What the hell was wrong with them?

"Did Scott even take you to the doct— I mean, the healers?" Aimsey asked, trying to keep a leveled tone of voice.

"I, uhm... no, no he didn't." Guqqie admitted. This made Aimsey even angrier. Scott had lied. He had taken Guqqie and just threw them behind bars. Aimsey took a deep breath, trying to keep calm. They really wanted to get up and go give Scott a piece of their mind, but they knew that that wouldn't get anywhere, and it would cause them to probably get as injured as Guqqie.

"I... see. I'm so sorry." Aimsey murmured.

"It's okay." Guqqie said softly. But it's not. Aimsey's brain flickered in response. "Let's just... get you patched up." Aimsey stated.

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