Chapter Five

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Aimsey started freaking out, trying to keep a calm expression and their movements slowed. They moved their hand to their wrist, lightly rubbing it in attempt to calm themselves. They continued listening.

"They must have something planned, right?" Oli asked, his expression neutral. "I mean, they wouldn't make a random decision just for no reason." He pointed out.

"I know. But I want that alien dead, and they're keeping us from killing them." Scott hissed. Oli's face flashed a nervous expression again, before replacing it with a neutral one.

"I.. understand." Oli murmured.

Michela nudged Aimsey, and Aimsey jumped. They looked up at Michela, who gave them a concerned expression. Aimsey shook their head, eyes saying, I'm okay, knowing that it was time for the two to book it.

So they did.

They ran almost the entire way, unless they saw coworkers in the halls, in which they slowed down and attempted to act casual.

And then ran again.

And kept going until they got back to Aimsey's garage.

When the two got back, they were both huffing and giving small gasps of air. They were exhausted, but were probably both a bit scared as well.

At least, Aimsey definitely was. Their mind was racing.

They had only known Guqqie for a couple days, yet that "wretched alien" was actually the nicest person in the galaxy. They were sweet, polite, fairly shy, and if anything, scared of pretty much everybody in the corporation. Most of all, they had done nothing to be treated so horribly like this.

Aimsey knew they were making them a new friend, too, just to have them be ripped away from them so quickly?

Guqqie deserved none of it. Aimsey couldn't let anything happen.

And, yes, Scott said that killing Guqqie would be postponed. But Scott wanted to do it, and, while he wouldn't disobey orders, he'll definitely kill them the moment he'd be given the all clear. He wouldn't hesitate. And it was implied that their murder would still happen. And Aimsey didn't know when that was, either.

"Aimee?" Michela asked, dragging Aimsey back to reality. Aimsey fearfully looked up at Michela, not caring about how calm they were or how their expression looked now. In honesty, Michela could probably read Aimsey like a book right now. Actually, she did.

"Aimee, your face says it all. You know what they were talking about." Michela softly observed, and Aimsey couldn't build up the courage to even attempt to lie. "What is going on?" Michela asked as Aimsey started pacing.

"Alright, look." Aimsey stopped and turned to Michela. "The corporation took in an alien." They cracked. Michela's eyes widened.

"WHAT?!" She bursted. Aimsey began pacing again as they explained.

"An alien crashed into our port a couple of days ago, and the corporation took her in. Their name's Guqqie." Aimsey admitted. It felt kind of nice to get it all out, yet the circumstances could be better. "They haven't done anything wrong, and yet they were thrown in jail, and now the corporation wants to kill her." Aimsey was freaking out, and Michela took all of Aimsey's information in.

"Jesus." Michela muttered, shifting a hand to her forehead as she looked like she began to stare off into space. "That sounds bad, I'll give you that, but how do you know this 'Guqqie' isn't as evil or wretched as they say?" Michela asked. Aimsey stopped, hesitating. Michela looked at Aimsey, whose expression was a bit fearful.

"Okay. Please, please don't tell anybody, but I've been seeing her. She's injured, and she's been needing both help and company." Aimsey explained. This is the information Aimsey told themself earlier to not tell anybody, including their friends. And now, Aimsey had just told Michela basically everything.

What a day can do to a person is something, but learning about what was planned to happen to Guqqie, Aimsey couldn't hold back and fight this all by themself. They needed help, and who better than one of their best friends?

"Dude, are you kidding me?" Michela asked. Aimsey flinched, realizing they must've said too much. "Why didn't you say anything? I would've helped you with taking care of them." Michela said. Aimsey blinked, pleasantly surprised.

"You would?" Aimsey asked. The whole day, this whole time, they had been telling themself that Michela hated aliens. That everybody in the corporation hated aliens.

Heck, even Aimsey hated aliens for some time! But everything had flipped around.

"Of course I would!" Michela threw their hands up into the air. "You told me yourself; she's done literally nothing wrong." She pointed out. Aimsey shuffled their feet.

"Okay, yeah, that's true." Aimsey admitted. "It's just— w-well—" They got cut off.

"Hello, little brother. Michela." A slithering voice greeted. Aimsey froze, eyes widening. They had recognized that voice immediately.

It was the man himself.


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