Chapter Six

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Aimsey whirled around, looking up at their older brother. They tried to hide the fear on their expression.

"Scott..!" Aimsey said weakly. Did he hear what we were talking about? Oh no, does he know that we know? Aimsey's brain anxiously ran on. Yet, Aimsey could only (hopefully) assume that Scott didn't, since he had a devilish smile on his face as he looked down at Aimsey; his typical expression. If Scott had heard that they were talking about his... conversation, then his expression would either be a lot angrier, or a lot more smug.

"What have you been up to?" Scott asked, slowly moving away from Aimsey. His eyes moved to Michela, who Aimsey could tell had a slightly fearful expression again. They were trying to cover it up under confidence, though.

Aimsey thought for a minute, trying to think of a strategic lie that Scott would actually believe. What would he believe? What was something so simple, yet so believable?

"Me and Michela have just been chatting about my ship here. I'm hoping to get back to flying soon now that my ship is repaired." Was Aimsey's lie, as they gestured to The Kite.

A simple, yet believable lie. Hopefully it was believable enough.

Michela quickly nodded in agreement with Aimsey's sentence, and Scott seemed slightly unconvinced. His mind also seemed to be wandering elsewhere, though.

"Mhm." Scott hummed, his voice lowly and hissing like a snake's as he examined Aimsey's room. Even without overhearing the conversation about Guqqie, Aimsey would know that something was on Scott's mind. That's how he spoke when his brain was elsewhere.

"What have you been doing?" Aimsey asked, trying to keep a leveled voice.

"I've just been patrolling with Oli." Scott informed, his voice leveled and easy. Yeah, right. The back of Aimsey's brain scoffed in disbelief.

"I see." Was what Aimsey mumbled instead. "What are you doing here, then? Shouldn't you still be patrolling?" They asked.

"What, I can't visit my little brother?" Scott quickly turned to Aimsey, grinning. Aimsey slightly cringed away at Scott's turn, before fixing themself. He's probably not going to do anything. Aimsey told themself.

Aimsey had to admit, Scott was pretty good at lying, and playing up an act. It would be pretty believable that he would be coming over just to pester Aimsey, had Aimsey not known otherwise. Honestly, he probably still came to pester Aimsey. But, probably to do it so he could get his mind off of his plans.

Scott's plans. Aimsey couldn't forget about Guqqie. Guqqie was in danger. Not immediate danger, yet danger nonetheless. Aimsey needed to warn Guqqie. Even if she couldn't do much.

Aimsey opened their mouth to respond, yet Scott cut them off.

"Besides, it's five o' clock. That means I'm off until night patrols, which aren't until after dinner." Scott explained, stating it in a way that implied that Aimsey should've remembered that.

"Right." Aimsey nodded.

"Speaking of which!" Michela butted in. Aimsey and Scott turned to look at them. "I'm going to go get some dinner. I'll see you two in the cafeteria!" She stated, before awkwardly dismissing herself from the garage. Aimsey wanted to get out of the situation just as badly as Michela did, yet they knew they couldn't. In fact, Aimsey envied Michela for being able to leave just like that, when they couldn't. They had tried it before; Scott wouldn't let them go until Scott had dismissed himself. And Aimsey knew he knew they wouldn't try anything either.

"Hey!" Aimsey called. Michela turned upon reaching the entrance of the garage. "Wait for me around the corner, alright? I'll be out in just a second." They said.

"Gotcha." Michela nodded, before disappearing. Once Michela was clearly out of earshot and could no longer be seen, Aimsey and Scott gave each other small glares, before Scott gave Aimsey a suspicious smirk.

"Aimee, I have a question for you." His voice was still slithering like a snake's. Aimsey tensed a bit. To them, that could only mean bad news, or something worrying. At least, in this situation. And Aimsey already had enough to worry about.

"Uh, alright. What is it?" Aimsey asked, somewhat curious about what Scott was going to ask.

"What do you know about that alien, Guqqie?"

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