Chapter Seven

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Aimsey froze for a split second, before getting themself to move again.

"Wh— Uhm, why do you ask?" Aimsey stumbled over their words, trying hard to put up an act. They had been so caught off-guard by Scott's question.

"Just curious, I suppose." Scott shrugged, his voice smiling for him. He must've been able to tell he had backed Aimsey into a corner, or that they had at least been caught off-guard. Aimsey could tell they had been backed into a corner.

"I don't really know anything about them. Just what she told us when she crashed into our port." Aimsey explained, which was technically true. Aimsey really didn't know a lot about the alien. So, they weren't exactly lying, just hiding parts of the truth.

"Do you trust them?" Scott asked almost immediately.

"Well, I—" Aimsey paused. "What they said seemed believable." They chose their words carefully, yet spoke honestly.

Scott frowned at such statement.

"You remember what they did, don't you?" He scowled. Aimsey hesitated. They had no memory of it, yet Scott had told the story several times.

"I remember." Aimsey murmured. "They killed our parents." They stated. Admittedly, it was pretty cliche, but it was the truth. At least, as far as Aimsey knew.

Scott had always said their parents were killed when aliens had ambushed them, but that was about it. He never went too into detail about it outside of that.

Aimsey had no memory of it, and Scott had explained that it was because it had happened when Aimsey was very young.

And the few times Aimsey had tried to ask about what happened to their parents, to see if Scott had maybe lied, or was just playing a dark joke on Aimsey and that their parents were on some sort of business trip or whatever, all they had gotten were hesitant responses. Once, Aimsey had asked Oli about it, and he just gave Aimsey a nervous look before saying, "Scott's explained it to you." before walking away. Aimsey never thought about it much, though.

And neither did Michela, Bek, or Eloise know anything about their parents either, so it constantly felt like a dead end in regards to the topic. Aimsey had learned not to dwell on it too much, though.

"Do not forget that." Scott ordered, his expression darkened. He often pressed Aimsey about what happened to their parents, as if it was a way to scare them. "Well, then, I suppose I shall be going to eat dinner now." Scott said, his expression returning to its smug smile and shining eyes. Scott said nothing else, except give Aimsey a glance, and dismissed himself.

Aimsey stood there for a bit, and waited until they could no longer see Scott, somewhat processing the conversation while waiting. They tried calming themself, telling themself that Scott still didn't know.

Then, they quickly exited out of their garage.

Aimsey almost ran into Michela, but slid to a stop before any collision. Michela was standing around the corner, like she said she would be.

Honestly, Aimsey was kind of expecting Michela to leave them behind and go to the cafeteria. As much as they appreciated it, they were kind of hoping Michela had already left.

"Michela, look. I have to go warn Guqqie about what Scott's planning, like, right now." Aimsey explained. Michela blinked.

"What about the plan to have dinner with Bek and El, though? What do I tell them?" Michela asked. Shoot. Aimsey's brain flickered. They had forgotten about that part.

"Just tell them I'm doing something like... finishing up cleaning my ship, and I'll be right there." Aimsey said.

"Alright, then, I guess." Michela nodded.

Thus, Aimsey ran off.

Honestly, it had been a long day. And even though Aimsey was visiting Guqqie bearing bad news, they were glad to be able to see her again.

Upon seeing Guqqie, though, Aimsey's heart ached. Whether happily or saddeningly, that was unknown.

She was sitting, knees against her stomach, while she drew figures on the wall.

Aimsey quietly crouched behind Guqqie, examining the drawings. The drawings were very nice. They were drawn with a realistic elegance in them, yet had a bit of a cartoony-touch to the style.

That's something new Aimsey had learned; Guqqie was a good artist.

Then, Aimsey remembered why they were there. It wasn't just to visit Guqqie, or watch them construct the prettiest drawings.

"Guqqie." Aimsey whispered, making Guqqie jump. Guqqie turned.

"Aimsey!" Guqqie happily exclaimed, yet a bit awkward sounding. They sort of sat in front of their drawings, as if trying to hide them. Yet, Aimsey wasn't focusing on that.

"I have... I have really bad news." Aimsey stated.

"Oh no, what happened?" Guqqie asked.

"It's what's planned to happen. Guqqie, Scott's planning on killing you." Aimsey broke the news. Typically, they would've explained how they found out (as in, eavesdropping on Scott), yet this was urgent.

Guqqie froze, eyes widening.

"Wh— Wh-What?" It was probably an understatement to say that Guqqie was shocked. "Why? I— I haven't done anything!" She vocalized.

"I know. Which is why I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I promise that Scott won't fire a bullet even near you, and that I'll break you out of here." Aimsey promised.

"Are... Are you sure?" Guqqie asked, her expression slightly relaxing. Slightly.

"Of course. I'll do anything to break you out of here." Aimsey explained. They didn't know why, honestly. Aimsey had only known Guqqie for a few days, yet they were so sure of protecting Guqqie.

Out of nowhere, Guqqie's expression returns to looking shocked. More fearful, really, than shocked.

"I should've known." A voice behind Aimsey said.

They whirled around, mind racing, fearful for their life.

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