Author's Note

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Hi !!

I hate to be making this, but I do have an announcement.

This story is going to be on hiatus for a long while (although, it might also end up being abandoned).

I do this kind of thing a lot where I get really invested in a story I'm writing, make up the plot and characters and everything, and then I completely lose motivation, and typically end up scrapping the story as a whole.

Not only this, though, but I've also been very busy and stressed out due to school, as well as have been coming up with a new story, with my own characters.

Don't get me wrong, I love this whole story and all, but making up your own unique characters, instead of using ones from media (even if it's media you enjoy), just makes you feel all the more better.

I'm not planning on leaving this story, though. I came up with a complete storyline and everything, and people seem to enjoy this work, so I'm going to hold myself back from abandoning the work, and will be posting new chapters when I get back into the swing of this story.

So, I'm not abandoning this work. At least, not yet.

But I am going on a long hiatus, which MIGHT (huge emphasis on the might) end in this story being abandoned.

I hope everyone has a good timezone!

Don't forget to take care of yourselves, either! <3

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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