2- Night shift

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At the party the music was so loud and it was very crowded. Teenagers were dancing like crazy on the dancefloor and there were some who were chugging up drinks and food at the same time. My friends just left me and now I'm all alone and I feel out of place like right now.

I went around to find a spot where I could drink my coke peacefully. For the whole night I walked aimlessly around the party venue looking for my friends and when it was already time to go home I tried looking for them. I called them but they didn't answer, I went around till I got tired and just sat down on a bench outside.

Someone handed me a bottle of beer which I gladly accepted. I dranked the whole bottle and just let time fly as the night started to get deep. After drinking another bottle I kinda feel drunk and bored so I continued my search for my friends. There weren't a lot of people outside and the music seems to be less loud than it was before.

I went back inside to find them and finally found them after aimlessly checking each room I could open.I took them to the car one by one and man they reeked of alcohol. Did they bathe in them or something. I dropped them off at their house one by one and then I went home.  Gosh going to parties are no fun, but the drinks are good.

Once I got home I ran to the bathroom and threw up, yup gosh I forgot this would happen. After throwing up everything I ate and drank I laid down on my bed without even changing. I don't care I just want to sleep.


Ring ring ring ring

"Oh, gosh what time is it?" I kept tapping my bedside table till I finally shut the damn alarm clock.

"It's already noon, gosh my head" I said as I stretched out my arms before getting up.

I made my way lazily to the bedroom and took a cold shower to awaken my sleepy brain. I immediately felt the cold water that was washed over me. I didn't stay long in the shower, so I went downstairs to make myself some lunch. But sadly I ran out of food and the only thing I have is coffee and a sandwich which I don't know if it's still edible.

Here goes nothing, I took a bite of the sandwich and it was still fine. I drank my coffee and decided to go out for groceries. I took out my motorcycle this time since the sun was out and there wasn't a cloud in the sky, the wind is nice too. I drove to the grocery store and when I got there I thought I was going to regret coming here today and I did. There were a lot of people, I felt like I was in a freaking concert or something.

This might take a while or maybe forever. I immediately filled my basket with edible foods, and other essentials I could find in the store and went in line for check out. The line? Well I may say it's like the kind of line where you want to get a celebrity's autograph. It was so long and I think it stretched to almost a kilometer.

Why were there a lot of people today? Gosh, hmmm what can I do to pass the time? I did absolutely almost everything I could think of to pass the time but I think time is not on my side today. Seriously, this is so tiring and boring.

After waiting in line for more than an hour I finally got out of the grocery store and I quickly got on my motorcycle and sped up. I wanna go home as soon as possible, I miss my bed and I really want to sleep right back. Just as I was only a few blocks away from my house traffic came. Like what? There wasn't even traffic here a few hours ago, gosh this day is just the worst.

I was just about to turn back but then a group of motorcycles blocked my way so I had no choice but to stay where I was.At least I'm not standing in line this time, what could go wrong this time? I got my groceries and I'll just wait and it's cloudy so it's not that hot outside.

Just when I thought everything was just fine the worst happened. Small drops of rain started to drop from the sky and I hope this would just pass. But no it didn't it just had to get worse and worse. Rain started to shower continuously making me dripping wet from top to bottom. Just how can this day get worse than this?

When I finally got home I was soaking wet, I placed the groceries in the kitchen when I suddenly received a video call from Charlie.

"Hey dude did you just get out of the shower or something?" Charlie asked me in a teasing tone.

"Shower my ass, I got caught in the rain dude" I said to him wiping my face with a towel.

"Hey did you hear about Justin?" Charlie asked me.

"What about him?" I asked Charlie.

"Well technically he got caught doing drugs and got arrested yesterday" Charlie said to me and it made me think.

"Whoa, seems like someone is not being careful nowadays" I said to Charlie.

"I know right and another thing, don't bring the drugs to school anymore, let's stay in a low profile for a while" Charlie said to me.

"Okay, I guess the principal is gonna have a surprise inspection this Monday" I said to Charlie as I took out my groceries.

"I doubt that would happen" Charlie laughed.

"Anyway is there anything else?" I asked him.

"No that's all, be careful" He said to me then turned off the call.

After arranging everything I bought, I went upstairs to take a shower and dried my hair afterwards looking outside the window.

It's still raining outside, hmmm what should I have for dinner? Maybe some soup would be great. After eating dinner I changed into a gray shirt and black pants and topped it with a hoodie. I locked the house then drove my car to a 24 hour grocery store.

"I thought you were going to be late as usual" Terence said to me.

"Nah, I came here on time because of the rain" I said to him.

"I'm gonna go home, thanks for coming on time man" Terence said as he was leaving.

"Yeah yeah, now get your butt out of here before I change my mind" I said to him and he left.

You might be wondering why I'm here, well I work part time here in this 24, hour grocery store and I'll tell you it's so boring but it actually pays well so I don't mind at all. All I have to do is sit down and entertain any customers that come in here.

After 2 hours a man came in and bought a cigarette along with a bottle of beer. After paying he sat down on one of the tables we set up outside that is close to the entrance of the store. Then minutes later a girl came and bought a few snacks and when she went out the man got up and started talking to her.

The girl looked uncomfortable and I just couldn't stand by and watch that happen, so what I did is I pretended to mop the floor close to the entrance and observed the situation. After a few minutes things heated up and from what I am seeing the older guy is harassing the girl.

So without any second thought I went out and stepped between them.

"What are you doing out here? Mind your own business kid" the man said to me while swaying.

"I am minding my own business, so will you please leave you are harassing a fellow customer sir" I said to him and he poked collar bone which made me step back a little.

"You little shit, get out of my way, were just talking right baby?" He said and looked at the girl behind me.

"Miss you can leave now, I'll handle him myself" I said to the girl behind me and when she was just about to leave the old man yanked her hair and I just couldn't stand it anymore so I tried to help the girl escape his grip but I couldn't.

I just ended up being pushed aside while the girl was being dragged away from the store. I just can't stand back and let it happen, so I went after them before they could go any further.

"Hey let her go" I said to the old man as I gave him a good punch on the face which made him lose grip of her hair.

"Ow, you little" the old man said as he broke the bottle and started swinging it at me like crazy.

As I was trying to avoid every swing of the broken bottle, I took a glance at the girl who was just sitting on the ground quietly and the unfortunate happened, my wrist was slashed by the broken bottle. Out of anger and annoyance I kicked the old man and then I helped the girl up and took her back to the grocery store.

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