{First day of school}

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Third person pov:

The door starts to open and you don't realise it until a -downlooking-on-his-phone Javon bumps into you. Your chests met against eachother and your heart beat raised so much you felt yourself blush a little.

Javon's pov:

I walk down the stairs on my way to the door. I was checking my phone to see what my first period looked like.

Biology, great

As I'm opening the door, I bump into someone.

Amina's pov:

"Oh shit, my bad, I didn't see you there. Your to short" he said in that kind of teasing way. "Mm thank you" I say sarcasticlly. "No but it was my fault anyways, I didn't see you and just realised I bumped into someone an-" he cut me off. "Mhm and this someone...he is very handsome, don't you think?" He said still teasingly. "Haha, I'll walk to school, so tell the teacher you just dropped me off in the middle of the road, thank you, bye" I said knowlingly walking into the wrong direction.

"Well I don't mind but school's that way-", "Well I knew that", "Yeah sure thing, get in the back" he said as he opened his car door. "Well um...about that-" I say as I run into the front and sit there knowing I just took Jaden's seat. "HEY!- I'M THE PASSENGER PRINCESS HERE!" Jaden said faking to be sad. "Oh sorry let me just-" I say and then close the door. "Get in the back" I say smiling as Jaden goes and sits in the back with his head down.

Good 'acting', mhm.

"Yep, you heard her" Javon says as he starts the truck and drives out of their drive way.


"Um what the fuck is this?" I say as I look at this schedual that I got not to long ago. "Your schedual?" Jaden said sounding like I was dumb.

"Yeah well no shit, but why the fuck is there so many classes on Thursdays?" I ask them both, not directing it to one of them. "Because they thought you needed it with your little brain" Javon replied slighty laughing, matching the energy his twin had.

Oh fuck off I thought as I just rolled my eyes

I hear a couple of boys laughing and giggling not too far away.

What the hell is their problem?

I didn't notice it but I was staring at them. I got eyecontact with one of the boys. They're....whispering?

Umm, damn...!?

He was tall, like, really tall. He was wearing a darkblue hoodie with quite dark jeans. He has brown hair, and ish light brown eyes. They were really pretty. He was looking at me up and down.


My thoughts got cut off by the sound of the bell ringing.

Perfect timing, thank you
Note the sarcasm, please

I think as I roll my eyes once again while walking into my first class.

As I walk in i realize the teacher will make me introduce my self. I just ignore that thought and choose to sit in the back. Since none of the twins are in this class, I have no one to share my looks at the teacher with. Oh well...

As I see everyone walking into class, I see that boy from before. You know the tall, handso- just b-brunette guy... He just looks at me while he walks towards me sitting in the empty ass chair next to, no not Giselle, me.

"Goodmorning class! Today we have History class first on our schedual. But before we start, we have a new student. I'm Mrs.Smith by the way. Do you want to stand here in the front or stay back there while introducing yourself?" The teacher asks me, looking me directly in my eyes.

The fuck you think? I don't even wanna be here

"I'll stand here thanks" I responded awkwardly. "My name is Amina and I just moved here from Tennessee, but I'm half Italian and half Mexican" I said with a clear awkward voice. "Okay great, thank you Amina" the teacher said while I sat down quickly on my chair.


I feel someone tapping on my shoulder. I took out my airpods as i turn to my left, looking who it was, disturbing my lovely song Bellyache by Billie Eilish. Yes it's been in my mind for too long to not be played while sitting in this boring class.

"Do you know the answer to question 9?" The boy from earlier asked me. "Uh yeah, why? You don't get it" I asked him back, finding it quite funny. Why? I don't really know.

He leant back at his chair as he scratched the back of his head. "Um...well lets just say I don't DON'T get it" he said, kind of laughing, nervously. "Yeah it's (I don't know, you tell me what the answer is)" I told him. "Oohhh, yeah thank you", "you're welcome" I told him back after helping it with the next 3 questions since I was already done.


The bell rang after sitting and listening to Mrs.Smith talking for what felt like ages. So boring.

I was walking to my locker wich weren't too far from History class. As I was walking there, minding my own shit, my walk got approached by that ho- b-boy- stop!

"Hey um, I was going to ask you if you wanted to like, come over to my house and help me with the History?" He asked me.

Ehm? With this hotti- boy? 100%

"Uh yeah, yeah sure", "cool. Do you mind if we like, exchange numbers?" He asked me with a little smile mixed smirk on his face.

Okay smile more, it's cute!!

"Yeah sure" remember that...

WELLLLLL...I don't know what to put anymore so just tell me. I only have a plan for like half of the next chapter, but anywayyyyysss. Lmk what you think, and I promise you, the twins will catch up this story, just not rn. Js to let you know that I'm rly sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, but who the fuck actually has that kind of energy to check it? If I do it's for when I'm writing a new chapter and need to collect new information for the next chapter, so yh. Um did anyone make it to down here? Thank you, bye cuz what more do I tell you when you know like literally the whole Wattpad life of mine by now😘

WC: 1087

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