Chapter 2 - Good Mo'or

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The long and disheveled street is presented to us, and the darkened sky that the sun hides behind, makes the road seem, depressed. Though it is not unfamiliar to us, we continue to walk along the road we have yet to travel. 

the trees still missing all of their leaves from the change in season, and because most of life has been destroyed. Covered in craters and burn marks, our path is bumpy in terrain. 

We travel for 30 minutes to an hour in silence, listening to anything that might be roaming around, waiting for an opportunity to eat its next meal. A reaper waiting to destroy its enemy.

If anything, reapers are more common than actual wildlife. Considering they were produced in massive factories laid all around the continent. They were meant to kill the enemy by all means necessary. Made with high-grade materials they are hard to destroy. A huge key that put actual people to shame when coming to combat. 

One of the main reasons why I'm always on high alert when going out to hunt or even cover distance to get away from the scouting reapers. All made to kill. 

The war was mostly from the indifferences between people that were lifted, and the ones that were not. Some that were unlifted even sided with them and vice versa. On one side, they deemed the lifted too dangerous and feral to roam around the streets. Some incidents spark this speculation of feral people. Such as a Lifted bird attacked and killed an innocent little girl, thinking on instinct for food. That wasn't the only case, although people tried to defend the bird hatred against the lifted began to spike. 

Retaliating on the incident, a woman shot and killed a lifted lion, and left their body in the middle of the street. It wasn't until the family of the lion came looking for him, only to find his deceased corpse, lying in the middle of the road, blood trailing off like a river. 

Outrage spread throughout the media, politicians were nervous about siding with certain groups on the matter. Corporations even shut out non-lifted and lifted people from their stores. Restaurants denied people from entering if they contained too much fur or if their maw was too long. some groups of nonlifted people were fired from their jobs for not being lifted. Discrimination was at an all-time high after rogue military operators shot up a grocery store, killing everyone that was lifted. Leaving a bloody genocide with traumatized civilians in the building.

It was sickening. Everyone was going feral with the fear of being killed by someone who wanted certain characteristics implemented into their life.  Trust in the government was even worse as they blamed them for planning the hate against the lifted. Some even believed that the government didn't do enough research on this phenomenon which led to the unexpected death of the little girl. 

Soon, it became a battlefield. Civilians were massacred by the hundreds for no reason, only cause of their decision of who they are as human beings. Some politicians gain power from the lifted and others from the non-lifted. We were all divided into groups out of unknown knowledge and fear. 

That's when the production of the reapers began. Rumors spread quickly, a war was about to begin and everyone had a target to their head. 

Micah: "Alex...are you ok?" The cub says walking up next to me.

Alex: "H-huh? oh sorry, what happened" I come to a stop to look around. Looking for anything He might have picked up on. 

Micah:" I don't see anything for another good mile or so if you're asking about that." he says looking in front of us. "I've been calling you for a while to ask you something but you never responded." 

Alex: "Oh, sorry I was just thinking about something and spaced out." I continue walking trying to cover more ground. "What did you want to ask me?"

Micah: "Are there other people like me?" he asks with a soft tone, with a little sadness and doubt.

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