3 | The Bond.

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I didn't know what I was thinking. I left
school in the middle of the school day
to go to a werewolf pack. Matt and
Olivia came with us also they were both
uninterested in the school as Aiden is. His focus went from school to focus on me.

"Selene, Thank you."

Aiden said as he drove us to the pack.

"Why are you thanking me?"

I asked cluelessly.

"For coming to my pack with me. It
means you trust me a little."

He says with a small smile.

"I want to try Aiden. Maybe all
werewolves aren't bad, "

I say to him.

What was I saying? He's the enemy. I wanted to take back what I said but it was too late.

" Nia you have no idea how happy you
made just by wanting to try. "

Aiden says.

We left our car and took Aiden's because
his car was recognized and ours wasn't
by his pack. Olivia and Matt were both
lovey-dovey with each other and it made
I roll my eyes. If I accepted the bond would I be like that I wondered as if reading my mind Aiden breaks the silence heavy silence with a statement referring to what I just thought.

" We can be like that."

Aiden says

" Be like what?"

I asked, acting as if I was completely

"Like them."

He says angling his head toward my
brother and Olivia.

"Look I was agreeing to not hate all
werewolves, that doesn't mean I have any interest in you. They have no control and they don't belong to themselves anymore. Why would I want that?"

I say without filter and when I do I regret saying it my words are hurting him, but maybe it will make him keep his distance for now. I needed a topic change so I asked the first thing that came to mind.

" Who lives in your pack? "

I blurt out.

" Everyone does, my parents, the pack members. "

Olivia answers.

Aiden doesn't look at me he keeps driving. Way to go Selene. I was being mean to him and he hasn't done anything but try to get to know me. I feel like the mean girl. But I can't allow myself to feel guilty that I have Cole. This mate thing has to end.

" How serious are you two?"

Aiden says suddenly.

" That's none of your business. "

I say, finding his question to be intrusive.

" It can't be serious if you are here with me. "

Aiden says.

That's it he crossed the line. I am so pissed I had to bite my tongue before I said something rash.

" Pull over. "

I say.

Aiden doesn't listen.

" I said pull over. "

I repeated.

He pulls over and I get out of the car.

" This is stupid. I should have never gotten in your car. "

I say pacing back and forth. Aiden comes out of the car grabs hold of my hand and yanks me to a stop,

" Selene, you're my mate. The sooner you realize it the better."

He says stepping closer.

He was so close that I could feel his breath on me.

" That letter means nothing then, you said you didn't mind us being friends. "

I said as calmly as I could.

Oliva and Matt get out of the car when they realize that things are getting heated.

" Selene is this fight about Cole? "

Matt asked suddenly.

I don't answer and he continues.

" If it is Dad set that up, he asked Cole to date you. "

" What? "

I asked softly, I felt as if the air in my lungs was being knocked out of me.

" Seriously? When will Dad stop? He wasn't to control everything. "

I say to Matt.

" Selene there is so much you don't know. I called you home for a reason. " Matt says, " We will talk but not here."

I nod. We all got back in the car this time. Oliva sat in front with Aiden and I sat in the back with my brother. The rest of the car ride to the pack was silent. A heavy silence. When we got to the pack house I was in awe the main pack house stood out from the rest.

" Beautiful. "

I murmur.

" If you think the outside is cool wait till you see inside. "

Olivia comments.

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