1 | Home.

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Cole and I were at the library studying all we could about werewolves and their weakness. It's been three years already. I was about to turn to another page when my cellphone rang. The caller id shows that it's my brother calling. I answer quickly,

" Matt."

" Selene, hey how are you? "

Matt asks.

" I'm fine, is everything okay at home?"

I asked concerned.

" Everything is fine, it just I miss you Sel, it's time to come home. "

Matt says.

" You're right. I'll be on the first flight out."

I say, before hanging up.

After a few hours of flying Cole and I were at the airport waiting for Dad or Matt to come pick us up.

I'm home,


My brother came to the airport to pick me up. I was expecting Dad but l guess he is off hunting, the only thing we do is hunt.


I have been away learning what I needed
to. Next on my list is finding my Mother's
killer or killers. And I know where to start
first the werewolf packs. There are two known packs in my town. I wanted to start with the one closest to home.

" Where is Dad?

I asked hugging my brother.

" Hunting."

Matt says with an eye roll. I laugh at how
dramatic he was being.

" Come on let's go I can't wait to see my bed. "

I say with a sigh. Matt laughs and says,

" Come on. "

When Matt sees Cole following after us
He looks at me questioningly.

" Who's he? "

He asked angling his head towards Cole.
I smile and say,

" My boyfriend. "

" Since when? "

Matt, says and now it was my turn to roll my eyes. Ignoring Matt's comment I made an introduction.

" Cole, my brother Matt, Matt meet Cole, my boyfriend. "

They both just looked at each and I just brushed it off as a guy thing.

" Come, Selene, let me save you from the drama. I'm glad you're home. "

Matt says with an eye roll. I laugh at how dramatic he was being.

We all get into the car and Matt drives us home. As Matt drove me home he made small talk with me only. He did not attempt to talk to Cole.

" Dad is so happy that you are home. "

Matt says

" Is he? "

I say unable to hide the contempt in my voice.

" Selene you have been away for three years. "

Matt says trying to defend Dad.

I rolled my eyes and said nothing more knowing that it made no sense to carry on this conversation with Matt. As we drove home I thought back on How Dad handled things when Mom was killed. As far as I can remember he was always gone. Dad never made time since Mom was killed. He had always been on the hunt for months on end. He never comes home. When Mom was killed he wasn't there to save her. Those Werewolves ripped her heart out and ate it. My mother being killed is on him he's just as responsible but I never say what I feel but what I think hasn't changed. I sighed house came into view. I am relieved. The only thing that hurts about coming home is that Mom won't be coming to the front door to welcome me home. I get out of the car and walk slowly to the front door. When I do it opens I see Dad. He smiles at me but I don't smile back. Because he isn't the one I wished would open the door.

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