Day 2: June 7, 2015

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"Not only are you the best audience, but you're also the best singing audience." ~Scott Hoying

"You know what I see? You're all beautiful. My eyes like it." ~Mitch Grassi

HOLY FUCKING SHIT. Pentatonix just is so amazing. They loved the show yesterday so much. It touched my heart, and I bet it touched their hearts too. Now I love them even more now.

I mean, how many artists do you know will go back just for an encore of two songs they weren't even supposed to perform on their designated tour set list? COME ON! THEY'RE ABSOLUTELY THE MOST AWESOME FUCKING PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET.

I can't even. I just. I can't. They're to damn amazing. Nothing ruined yesterday. That was the best day of my summer. Hell, it was the best day of 2015. Fuck it, it was the best day of my ENTIRE fucking life. It was the highlight to all highlights. The ultimate of ultimates.

All I can say is, Pentatonix, I love you. Forevermore. You have changed and shaped the future of a capella forever. Continue doing so. With the Lord watching over you, may He grant you all the damn blessings you deserve.

Which would be, a lot.

Oh yeah, it's Winter's birthday today, and damn I should get her something when we go back to school. And I should greet her very nicely today. :)

Anywho, Goodnight Profanity...

Signing off,
Caleb Archer Stellar 💫💫

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