Day 3: June 11, 2015

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Okay. I can do this. I am sincerely concerned that I won't make it to Monday, but I'm holding out for hope. School is near, and my body aches each day anticipating the very moment. I mean, my body won't even wake up properly. I'm probably just a person who sleeps in though.

In all seriousness, every time I eat a meal, I feel as if I'm gonna puke every fucking time. It annoys me, that I can't do it because I'm scared of vomiting, and it annoys me that it also prevents me from sleeping. Damn stomach problems are gonna prevent me from focusing in school. Bullshit. I can conquer this. Although while I type this, my stomach grumbles in disapproval as I watch Empire and lay on the couch like a little pussy.

I swear, if my stomach is the only thing preventing me from having fun with Bolshevik when we get back, God forbid, I will swear on my soul to puke just to get rid of this nausea.

Just, ugh.

Anywho, Goodnight Profanity...

Signing off,
Caleb Archer Stellar 💫💫

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