Y/N and Ahri Best Moments

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"Kiss Your Pet Prank"

Y/N was scrolling down his phone, seeking to find a video to raise his interest. The rest of the girls were doing their normal afternoon jobs which involves Kai'Sa training on the agency building, Evelynn holding meetings for their next projects, Akali, for some reason, had three cups of ramen at her table as she savored the taste, if you can even call that a job but that's Akali for ya.

Ahri decided to take the day off since her active schedule got her too occupied which leads to never-ending stress and utter frustration. Was she getting old? Nah, that's quite the opposite. She's intelligent and passionate when it comes to her work, thus worrying her bandmates. It's like a cycle that repeats itself.

Not today however. While everyone's out of the mansion basically working, she gets the princess treatment of staying here with the new member, some peace and quiet couldn't hurt right?

...Well. That's where regret comes in the view with Y/N suddenly sliding next to her with a big grin, an expression she knows all too well speaking from experience to the rest of the girls history with each other. Although this time, she'd let him do what he wants this time.

Y/N on the other hand wraps an arm around the Nine-tailed fox with a grin, asking her to look infront of the phone that was recording for some unkown reason. She complies and smiles, their soft cheeks caressing each other. But before she can reason, Y/N planted his lips at her forehead, which made her flustered to the core.

He waits for a few seconds for Ahri to react and it's absolutely priceless, her perplexed, blushing face reminded him of a literal pet, processing their owners random affection. He laughed hysterically at his leader but she responded with a pounce, as he lost the grip of his phone and all you can hear were the sounds of pure agonizing screams .


"Y/N, the King of Spoilers"

"Wait, so you're saying that you made a new song for me?" Y/N asks.

"Yeah I can show you but we're still live, so it's better to talk about it with the others." Ahri suggests.

"Wouldn't that be boring? Chat might get curious, and I don't wanna keep secrets with my fans."

"It's not like that. I'm just saying that as professional artists we should always keep this between us."


"...What's with that reaction?" Ahri said, skeptically.

"..Umm, you see.. I may or may not have said alot during my streams." Y/N sheepishly remarks.

"Y/N freaking L/N! What are you talking about!? You better answer me right now or so help me Gods I will rip-!"


An average person would've gotten confused from what he blurted out but Ahri is no exception. Her fox ears caught every single word he left out of his mouth and she can't help but scold him, grabbing his collar, but not too tightly.

"What the hell's wrong with you?! I promised to you yesterday that you wouldn't say a word, you imbecile!"

"I'm s-sorry! Ahri, please I'm sorry-!"

"You're so dead mister, you're lucky you have such a handsome face! I'm going to enjoy beating you up until that charm you have leaks!" Ahri threatens.

"C-Can we talk this out...?"

"...Too late~!"

Her tails wrap around his entire body as she closes the camera and ends the live stream.


"Clumsy and Clingy"

The girls were seen in the living room chilling, it's already noon yet they were bored out of their minds. Y/N comes in with his phone and headset walking idly, engrossed from the video he's watching and wanted to get some snacks from the kitchen. Their fearless fox noticed the boy and quickly stood up towards him, wrapping her arms to his waist, engulfing him with a hug.

Somehow, he completely ignored the sudden affection, completely oblivious that the rest of the women inside were looking straight at the two with mixed reactions. Akali shrugs, and focuses on her phone again. Evelynn had her signature smirk. Kai'Sa was flabbergasted, and Seraphine just smiled. For a moment it seemed like everything's back to normal when all of a sudden a loud thud hits the floor, concerning the other members.

"Ahri! What's wrong with you!" Y/N yelled.

"What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with you, you just slipped for no reason!" Ahri remarks.

"Because you're way too adhesive towards me! Of course our weight won't hold, you sly fox!" Y/N counters.

"Who are you calling sly! You're more manipulative than I am, you cute devil!"

"What does that even mean-..."

Their argument slowly and comedically died down as the rest of the members watch in interest, their smiles getting wider and wider as time goes by. When all of it died down, Y/N went back to his room with an annoyed face holding a bag of chips, slamming the door while Ahri groans loudly. However, the two were blushing the moment they seperated which gave the women all they needed to know.

"They're so in love~."

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