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"What do you want?", Ensas voice was firm as she took the call. Rustling in the background. She was busy.
"Just checking in", Jay replied, "Busy?"
"As busy as it gets on an island without anything to do", she said and then after a moment a crash.

"Are you good?", Jay asked and Ensa groaned in pain. "Yes. Just a mild concussion", she hissed and slumped down on a chair in the corner of her workshop.
"Do you need help? I can come over" "No, you can't. I just broke the teleporter", she said and rubbed her head, "The lense just fell on my head" "The one we couldn't even lift up without Ollie's help?" "Yeah" "Ensa! That's not a mild concussion. Go ask Ella for help", Jay said and Ensa shook her head, quickly stopping as she got dizzy.

"No, it's okay", she said, closing her eyes, "Guess I should've done this with two hands" "Go lay down", Jay said, pulling her legs to her chest where she sat in her bed.
"What do you care?" "We're friends, I care about you. Please, get that checked. The lense is heavy. Did it actually hit your head?" "It did", she sighed, "It hurts like a bitch"

Suddenly she heard Jays voice more distant, heard her shouting, but the buzzing in her head made it impossible to understand what she said. Until suddenly Ella rushed into the room. "What happened? Ollie said you have a concussion?", she asked worried and kneeled down in front of Ensa.
"Nothing too bad", Ensa lied and Jay yelled through the phone before hanging up.
"It's very bad!"

Ensas face pulled into a grimace of pain at the loud noise and quickly let the phone sink. Ella took a look at her and shook her head. "You're bleeding", she said and carefully helped her up, "I'll get you to bed and then I'll get a doctor from the town"
"I'm okay", Ensa insisted and yet she let herself be lead to her room.

The doctor came, Ollie brought her flowers and told her to get well soon and Ella made sure that she had everything she needed.
And after midnight, Ensa decided to call Jay.
She had always been an absolute insomniac and the pounding in her head didn't make it any better. Jay picked up in a heartbeat.
"Hey", she sounded out of breath, but eager for the call. "Hey", Ensa replied, "Thank you. I wouldn't have gotten help myself"
"I know, that's why I told Chip to call Ollie. I knew Ella didn't hear the crash either, after your stunt of sound proofing the tower", Jay said and Ensa smiled a little. "You remember that?", she asked amused and Jay chuckled. "Remember how you where climbing the walls to put the panels up? Yes."

"How are you doing now?", Jay then asked a little more serious. "Better, but my head still hurts. The doc said he'd come back tomorrow to check on me" "Why aren't you sleeping then, when you're better?" "I could ask you the same" "I'm the captain of a ship that doesn't sail itself. What's your excuse?" "Insomnia. Pain. Wanted to talk to you."
"Talk to me? About what?" "I don't know", Ensa replied, "Where are you guys by now?" "Two days out from Allport" "And then you're going into-" "The black sea. Yeah.", Jay didn't sound enthusiastic at all. "Are you scared?" "Yeah. I get sick thinking about it", she mumbled and Ensa felt her heart sink a little.
"I'll get the teleporter fixed so you have a way out, okay?", her voice was trying to be a shimmer of hope, but the slight trembling and the fear of loosing her new found friends so soon to an ocean of ink and despair made it impossible for her words to fall in place lightly.

"You should rest", Jay said, "Just rest. We'll be okay. We always are." "Be careful. Please", Ensas voice was pressed, dense with tension. "Don't worry about us", Jay whispered back, but it didn't sound convincing. "Did you talk the the others? Are they confident you'll all be fine?" "We don't talk about it. We never really contemplate. It would hold us back from going forward.", Jay said and then the static between them filled with the noise of the ocean.
"Jay?" "Yes?" "Please don't die."

Jay felt herself choking up as she heard the genuine tone in Ensas voice.
"I'll try"

overseas // jay x ensa fanficWhere stories live. Discover now