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Ensa helped Jay up the steps to the entrance when she saw her struggle to get up with her damaged leg.
"Who's wedding are we attending again?"
"Star and Zamnia", Jay said and pulled her through the corridors, "They are two very kind souls and very much in love"
"So some light in this dark, horrifying place" "Exactly", Jay said and quickly pulled her into the room where the venue had been set up.

They quickly sat down and Ensa blushed when Jay didn't let go of her hand, but instead held it in both of hers.
She looked away and saw Gillion getting ready at the altar to wed the two brides that were about to walk down the aisle.
He waved at her with a bit of surprise in his face and she waved back with her free hand.

And then a soft tune started playing and the brides walked down the aisle.
The whole ceremony was beautiful.
Ensa was fascinated by the light these two brought into a place so filled with darkness.

During the festivities after the ceremony, she was introduced, gave her congrats to the couple, before Star asked with a smile: "So you are Jays girlfriend?" "Oh, erm-" "Yes, she is", Jay said quickly and gently held onto Ensas arm. "It must be scary to have your partner alone in the black sea most days", Star commented, but Ensa barely registered what she had said. Only when Jay squeezed her hand, she got a hold of herself. "Yes, it's quite scary, but Jay is strong and I'm sure she can do pretty much anything"

Star leaned her head against Zamnias shoulder and smiled. "I think the same about my wife", she said and after a bit of small talk, Jay excused them and pulled Ensa aside. "I'm sorry for just saying yes, I didn't want her to have an awkward moment on her wedding day", she said and Ensa immediately felt the sting in her heart.
"Oh- yeah, of course", she mumbled, when Jay gave her a searching look. "Do you- want me to be your girlfriend?", Jay then asked and Ensa blushed.

"I- I mean I wouldn't- I surely wouldn't... wouldn't hate that", she stuttered and Jay started smiling softly, reached for her cheek.
"Well, I certainly wouldn't hate it either", she said and chuckled as Ensas eyes widened.
"Are you sure?", she asked in a tone that was so serious, that Jay for a second forgot the black sea entirely, laughing at the absolutely adorable confusion.
"Yes, I'm sure if you're sure", she replied. "Really?" "Yes", Jay replied and smiled at her, "And while we're at it, since when would you not mind to be my girlfriend?" "Since you tried getting my blueprints out of the tree", Ensa mumbled as she blushed, "Specifically when you started shooting the branches"
"That was the moment?", Jay asked with wide eyes. "Yeah, don't look at me like that", Ensa replied and then defensively asked, "What was your I wouldn't mind moment?"

Jay blushed and looked away. "When you drunkenly encouraged me to work on Alphonze" "That was the moment?" "Don't judge me, you were so cute"
Ensa chuckled and gently wrapped an arm around Jays waist, pulling her closer. "I guess we're both weirdos" "You're not a weirdo, you're actually pretty cute most of the time", Jay said and Ensa pulled up an eyebrow. "Most of the time?" "The times when you're so beautiful it makes me blush are a different story, okay?" "Okay", Ensa said while feeling her cheeks heat up.

"So we're girlfriends?" "We're girlfriends", Ensa replied with a smile that grew a little wider with the realization. "That's pretty awesome", Jay said with a smile, gently pushing a strand of hair out of Ensas face, behind her ear. "Yeah, that's pretty cool"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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