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"Who is it?", Jay asked as she picked up the phone. "Just me", Ensa said, "Just checking in"
Jay heard the nervousness in Ensas voice, the words she didn't want to say, but that laid so heavy on her mind that they could be heard in her tone alone.
"We're still alive. Half a day till Allport", Jay said. "How are you feeling?" "Don't ask."
"Okay", Ensa replied and for a moment they sat in silence. "How are you feeling?", Jay then asked. "Headache. Dizzy. That's about it.", in her mind she continued the list.
Sick to my stomach. Scared for you guys. Sleepless.

"Are you in bed?" "No, I just ordered a new lense for the teleporter down in the town", she said and heard Jay sigh.
It made her shiver. "Please, lay down"
Ensas hand squeezed around the shell.
"No", she then said, "I'm fine."
"You have a concussion. You're injured. Go to bed." "Jay, I'm good.", she said quickly, "I promise. I know how to take care of myself"

For a moment silence filled the call once more. "I miss you", Jay suddenly said and Ensa chuckled. "Since when are you so genuine?" "Since I'm sailing into a hole in the sea, not knowing if there's a way out of it. I want you to know that I consider you one of my closest friends", she said and Ensa heard how her voice thickened with tears, "And in case I die, please know that I wished we would've had more time"
"Don't say things like that", Ensa begged, tears welling up in her eyes too.

The cold air of nightfall carried the scent of the woods inside her workshop where she sat between blueprints and knick-knacks.
"You're my first real friend, you know?", Ensa then mumbled, "I don't wanna loose you so soon. We'll have plenty of time when you come back, when you saved the world. Yeah?" "Yeah. You're right.", Jay said hurried as if to convince herself of it too.

She sat down on a barrel close to the steering wheel of the ship, looking out onto the horizon. The sky was orange and blue-ish purple and she whispered: "The sky looks like us right now"
Ensa looked outside the window and smiled with teary eyes. "It does"
"I'll be back. I promise.", Jay whispered, before the static filled the call once more.
"I trust that you will. And when you do we'll go get coffee together here in Zero." "Sounds great. I can't wait", Jay replied and for a moment there was a spark of honest hope between them.

"Are you working on anything at the moment?", Ensa then asked and Jay nodded to herself. "Yes, I made a blueprint for a sort of prosthetic to help my uncle to move his arms again, after he told me that he missed hugging people", she sighed, then chuckled, "He also said he wanted to be able to dance with Ella when we come back. I hope to make that possible"

"She's talking about him all the time", Ensa chuckled, "I think she has a thing for legendary pirates, knowing who her first man was" "I think so too", Jay replied with a smile, "They are an odd pair, but she seems to make Drey happy" "Yeah", Ensa took her blueprint for the teleporter, "When I fix this lense issue, you have to draw a new rune circle on your side" "Will do, just let me know when" "The lense will be delivered in like two days, I'll ask Ollie for help to set it up"

After a moment in which Ensa heard the steering wheel of the Albatross creek on the other end of the call Jay asked: "Can we do this every night from now? The call, I mean"
"You wanna talk to me that much?" "There's no one I'd rather talk to at the moment", Jay said and Ensa felt her cheeks heat up.
"I'm not good at talking", she quickly said.
"But I like to know you're the person on the other end", Jay replied softly, "Even if we'd sit in silence for hours"
Ensa bit her lip nervously as she listened to Jay, hands messing with the edges of the blueprint. "Yeah, okay", she said and smiled to herself as Jay continued talking on the other end.

"I think you're pretty awesome" "Jay, if you say one more nice thing I'mma hang up" "Why? Am I making you blush?", Jay joked and chuckled. Little did she know that she was completely right.
"You wish", Ensa replied sharply and little did she know that she too, was right.
"You know what?", Jay quickly said, "I think I'll try to enchant the shell so it can do two calls a day. So I'll always have one for this here left" "Don't break it", Ensa quickly said, "You know Gillions talent of breaking everything you're working on"

"I'd do it as a secret project. The others don't have to know" "Want me all to yourself, huh gorgeous?", Ensa asked, cringing at herself not knowing how much she had made Jay blush again, "Just kidding, of course"
"Anyway", Jay said quickly, while holding her cold palm to her burning red cheeks, "I'll just try and alternatively I'll call you with Chips conch, until I can get a new one in Allport and get teleported to Zero and stuff"
"You think Chip will hand over his shell every day?" "He'll have to", Jay replied and reached into her pocket for her compass.
She corrected the course and eventually sat down again, leaning against a barrel.

"If you need anything for the arcane web, let me know, I'll go to the library and get the info you need" "Don't trouble yourself with Cliff", Jay chuckled, "I got all I need last time, I think" "Just in case, the offer is standing" "I appreciate it", Jay said and took a deep breath of the fresh air.

"I made you something after the last call", she then added, "It's just something small and silly, but I thought you might enjoy it. I'll send it to you when we're in Allport" "What is it?", Ensa asked, her voice filled with excitement and curiosity. "Just a silly friendship bracelet. It's dumb, but I thought you might like it" "That's cute", Ensa replied and she felt the genuine smile not leaving her lips anymore, "I can't wait to see it"
"You don't have to wear it, but when you said I was your first real friend, I thought it would be nice to give you something like that"
"Jay. I love it already, stop sounding so nervous" "I'm not nervous", Ensa pulled up an eyebrow at the shell and stood silent until Jay sighed and chuckled, "I am nervous."

"Don't be", Ensa said softly and got up from her spot at the window. She kept a hand running along the wall, as she walked into her bedroom, trying to keep her balance. Her head was pounding with pain, with every step, "Can you keep talking? Quietly tho. So I can focus on something other then the pain while getting ready for bed?"
"Absolutely", Jay said and started talking mindlessly about what she saw, "There's a bird, actually there is two" "Counting yourself?" "That would be three", Jay said and Ensa chuckled, "I can also see the moon on the horizon, that way" "Jay, I can't see you pointing" "It's pretty, that's what's important", Jay replied, "I think it's gonna start raining soon, the clouds are getting thicker"
"No one in the history of the world ever said the clouds are getting thicker", Ensa commented as she reached the bathroom to brush her teeth. "Come sailing with us and you'll say it too", Jay replied and smiled, "We say a lot of stupid shit here"

Ensa smiled and said: "I'm sure. Now go on, what else do you see?" "Dolphins and I see Queen and Gryffon... up in the crows nest? When did they go up there?", Jay sounded so genuinely confused it made Ensa laugh and almost choke on her toothpaste.
She spit it out and and coughed. "Stop laughing, I actually don't know how they got up there without me seeing them", Jay laughed and Ensa finally stopped coughing.
"Oh my gods, I'm in so much pain now, but that was so funny", she laughed and held her head. "I think they are- oh. Oh!", Jays eyes widened, "How much am I missing on my own ship?" "What is happening? Don't leave me hanging here", Ensa quickly said.

"I think they're kissing" "I fucking knew it", Ensa hissed, "That fucking panda got so defensive when I made that joke" "What joke?" "While you guys were gone, they saved the people from the hospital downtown and when they came back Gryffon was injured and Queen took care of him. So I went careful you look at them like you're catching feelings and he immediately got defensive and denied it. Little bitch", she said and Jay chuckled. "I think you're the only person to ever call Gryffon a bitch and live" "He's not a threat in the slightest, I'd say it to his face", she replied and continued brushing her teeth.

"I actually believe that", Jay said, "I'll put you down for a second, I have to light some lamps, it's getting dark" "Take your time, I'm Not going anywhere", Ensa replied, before they fell into a soft silence with only the sound of the waves to break the static of the call.

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